Trina Jordan
Hi everyone!!! I hope everyone is doing great!! I need some advice I am a Nail Technician I am in a new Salon I've been here for 7 or 8 months now and every time I have worked on a clients when it comes to doing Acrylics some like how I lay the Acrylic and some don't I Get it I'm not going to be able to please everybody and they also complain to the owner about my filing and shaping. So needless to say I've been takin off of doing Acrylics I'm only doing gel manicures the owner is really nice and patient with me she wants me to bring people in and practice. I practice on myself and my fake hand all the time but need human hands my problem is my family and friends don't support me they like getting their nails done but won't come in at all
I don't know what to do this sucks right now because they don't get to many people wanting gel Manicures at the salon we get mostly Acrylics so I'm not making much money on top of that it's a commission base shop I work in ugh!
I need help!!

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