Well-Known Member
Vetty, cutting hair feels as easy as breathing to me.
Evening Ladies, just felt an urge to reply to this post. This is the way of the world today, impatient and fast track. Companies with huge reputations are obviously happy to allow trainees to do 2 day courses to purchase products and trade with their name, i myself have recently been on a course to renew my certificate and it was not something that was easy to pass, even ladies who have been doing nails for years failed...yet newbies came in and passed with passion and flare...hats off to them id say and I wish them all the best.
There is a huge scope of different qualifications and standards within this industry and it all depends on the client to choose the level of service they require. I dont think it should be something that we should feel upset about, just have confidence in your own abilities and the results shall speak for themselves.
Over and out lol xxxxxx
I also was never closer to giving up nails than in the 6 months after my Foundation course. It was only pride and stubborness that made me keep going......
The most common time for someone to give up hairdressing is when they have just qualified. A lot of the time, the training is not sufficient for life as a stylist, not in depth enough to deal with the public and their expectations. They hit problems and give up.
I have to say i am pretty saddened by some of the posts on this thread which are really quite snobbish to new techs - yes we may have done "cheap" courses in comparrison to what others have done but that doesnt mean we dont care about the service we offer and it certainly doesnt mean we think "doing nails" is an easy option.
Most of us have had very demanding careers/full time mothers and are just looking for a different direction in life and flexibility to fit around family comitments and willing to put in the work to be successful. Its only once on the jouney you learn who are the best eductors, which products are best etc, so cut us some slack and support new techs not sit there and have a go!
I would also like to point out that these quick courses that are so readily available are run by competetant nail techs, so maybe they are the ones "looking to earn a quick buck" and perhaps are the ones people on here should be pointing the finger at.
Us newbies come on here for advice and tips but most importantly some friendly support, so cut us some slack and maybe think back to your ealy days when you were in the same position as us.
Bit of a contradiction, but hey ho, seems youre only entitled to an opinion if its what people want to hear.
Nails is a career and demands commitment but lets not kid ourselves that it is as demanding on your time as working 8hrs a day for someone else, struggling to find child care for children who are sick or off school - thats what's good about nails - working for yourself - the flexibility to fit work in around other commitments when necessary.
Thats why so many people choose this career, not because its easy so give us some respect as individuals with enough courage to go out there and try something new!
f just some of the posts on this LONG LONG thread seem to you to be a bit snobbish ... then those who have made them are as entitled to their opinion as you are.
FYI i have never attended a 2 day course and i wouldnt expect to be as competant as someone who has spent a large part of the career training and studying nails.
I dont want to spend my future years devoting my life to the art of nails, but that doesnt mean i cannot be good at what i do and it doesnt mean i am inferior.
I can appreciate there is alot to learn and you never stop learning, but this isnt brain surgery is it??!!
The contridiction was that you said this site here for newbies to support them but then go on to criticise.
Anyway im surprised you have time to post on here what with nails being so very very demanding!