Sally Martin
I did my cnd four day foundatioun course in sept and through a member of my family being terminently ill (sorry can't spell) i hav'ent done any proper practise especially rebalances. Last week I sent for the home learn maintenance system from essensial nails and have done a few tasks,but the problem is I still can't put a full set of l&p on my own nails.I made such a mess I ended up with onycholysis which is nearly all grown out but my nails are really short. Should I have another go at doing them or would you suggest going to a professional.Please help can't live without enhancements, let alone practice.
I did my cnd four day foundatioun course in sept and through a member of my family being terminently ill (sorry can't spell) i hav'ent done any proper practise especially rebalances. Last week I sent for the home learn maintenance system from essensial nails and have done a few tasks,but the problem is I still can't put a full set of l&p on my own nails.I made such a mess I ended up with onycholysis which is nearly all grown out but my nails are really short. Should I have another go at doing them or would you suggest going to a professional.Please help can't live without enhancements, let alone practice.