I went for the Protech system but didn't buy the whole kit as I already had a lamp, files, tips and cutters etc. I bought the clear and the peach protech, and also the soft pink build perfection as that can be used over a cured base layer of clear protech. Haven't bought a gloss as have been top coating with a polish right now (waiting to put my next Pronails order in) but not sure if this has had any negative effects at all.
Protech is good as you only literally need one pot of gel, no bonder, primer, etc and a bottle of Proseptic spray. Oh, and a lamp of course!! No white gels yet as my smile lines are rubbish so cheating right now by using white tips, and waiting to get some More Than White for my rebalances (yes, yes, I can hear the singing now... "cheater, cheater, compulsive eater!!....
I also bought the little 'Monet' set of coloured gel polishes.
Also a thing I like is no expensive gel wipe off solution - you use acetone free polish remover!
Also worth a look is their file and brush box - like a metal pencil tin but with two layers, so you keep your brushes in the top and files in the bottom.
Sound just like an advert, don't I???
Lol xx