Infilling lashes, your personal preference?


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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2012
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So I was wondering how other lash technicians infill their clients individual eyelash extensions.
I class myself as being pretty competent at lashing - but at times I can be quite obsessive re uniformity of lashes which can pose a problem when Infilling. As trained I always remove any lashes that are falling out or have dropped, and then replace gaps etc with new lashes. However I find that lashes that are still fresh looking can either twist slightly or will have grown out by 1mm ( but still look nice) This to me means that if you then add new lashes then a week later the existing lashes will have dropped more than the fresh lashes causing an un- uniformed look on the client.
I also find that the time it can sometimes take to isolate and remove twisted or dropped lashes can actually take longer than quickly removing the full set carefully or what remains. I am also a pretty quick lasher and can perform a full set in approx an hour, which actually matches the time it takes me to remove selected tatty lashes and infill.
Obviously my regular clients are more than happy to get a fresh new set every appointment but I wondered if any body else does this or feels the way I do about infills?
So I was wondering how other lash technicians infill their clients individual eyelash extensions.
I class myself as being pretty competent at lashing - but at times I can be quite obsessive re uniformity of lashes which can pose a problem when Infilling. As trained I always remove any lashes that are falling out or have dropped, and then replace gaps etc with new lashes. However I find that lashes that are still fresh looking can either twist slightly or will have grown out by 1mm ( but still look nice) This to me means that if you then add new lashes then a week later the existing lashes will have dropped more than the fresh lashes causing an un- uniformed look on the client.
I also find that the time it can sometimes take to isolate and remove twisted or dropped lashes can actually take longer than quickly removing the full set carefully or what remains. I am also a pretty quick lasher and can perform a full set in approx an hour, which actually matches the time it takes me to remove selected tatty lashes and infill.
Obviously my regular clients are more than happy to get a fresh new set every appointment but I wondered if any body else does this or feels the way I do about infills?

Yes!!! I'm obsessive about this too, and find that sometimes I can do a full set as quick as an infill because I faff too much about the existing lashes on a client.

I know that the lash bar in carnaby street offer infills at 15mins, 30 mins, 45mins etc. and I said to the girl, I could never do that as i wouldn't be able to send my clients out less than perfect. Plus my clients wouldn't have a clue how long we would need on an infill, they just know they will leave with a good set of lashes.

Sorry, don't know what the answer is!!!!

H xx
I was wondering this myself :/
I probably take longer doing infills than I do a first full set. There's a lot more work involved and yet I charge half the amount!

I remove all wonky, grown and droopy lashes, and its hard to remove an individual lash without getting remover on surrounding lashes so I end up removing unessesary ones too.

It's got to the stage where I prefer my clients going longer as it means more obvious or less lashes left to remove!
So I'm costing myself money :(

I know for definite that there's only a few other lashers in my county that remove any wonky ones, the rest just brush them through then add more. But I find this a messy way to do things and ruins the final look.
I am even aware of a AH Francis master who cuts lashes at infill!!

I was going to post asking how others do this or a better way of doing infills as its losing me a lot of time and profit being so anal :|

On the plus side, my clients love me...
I was wondering this myself :/
I probably take longer doing infills than I do a first full set. There's a lot more work involved and yet I charge half the amount!

I remove all wonky, grown and droopy lashes, and its hard to remove an individual lash without getting remover on surrounding lashes so I end up removing unessesary ones too.

It's got to the stage where I prefer my clients going longer as it means more obvious or less lashes left to remove!
So I'm costing myself money :(

I know for definite that there's only a few other lashers in my county that remove any wonky ones, the rest just brush them through then add more. But I find this a messy way to do things and ruins the final look.
I am even aware of a AH Francis master who cuts lashes at infill!!

I was going to post asking how others do this or a better way of doing infills as its losing me a lot of time and profit being so anal :|

On the plus side, my clients love me...

I have to say I do charge my infills by time, this being when I know a regular client who usually I get good returns from comes in with trashed lashes from a fab weekend etc.

A new client I would give the benefit of the doubt to in the first infill but after that I would charge more, but then I'm probably lucky that my ladies are more interested in having fab lashes than me charging an extra £5/£10

H xx
I'd rather do a full set than an infill. I end up spending about 15/20 minutes fixing/removing bent lashes etc. Once that's done I feel like I whizz through it but I can sometimes take around 45 mins for a lash infill!
Yep me too.
With a full set you start with a blank canvas and can have a set done in an hour.
With an infill, it's actually really hard work if you are doing it properly, ie isolate tatty lashes, remove without getting glue remover on other lashes, then fix gaps if client abuse, it actually takes longer and it's so much harder for half the price. Starting to not look forward to infills now ! :(
I've changed the price of my infills now, so it says "from XX amount" as some people really don't look after them,or leave too long a gap and it's like doing a full set!
I'm so glad you started this thread. It's nice to know I'm not alone! :)
I know ill get shot for this, but i never use glue remover on an infill. Your lashes if hanging off, messy or whatever can be carefully removed with your tweezers. It doesn't hurt the client. I don't like to mix remover where ill be using adhesive - there could be a chemical reaction. Plus there shouldnt be stickies.As for the ones half grown out, why take off the existing lash to replace with a new one when the donor lash will fall out regardless of if it has an extension attached
I know ill get shot for this, but i never use glue remover on an infill. Your lashes if hanging off, messy or whatever can be carefully removed with your tweezers. It doesn't hurt the client. I don't like to mix remover where ill be using adhesive - there could be a chemical reaction. Plus there shouldnt be stickies.As for the ones half grown out, why take off the existing lash to replace with a new one when the donor lash will fall out regardless of if it has an extension attached

I'll stand beside you in the firing line, as I do this too. It is much quicker to just pop the lash off with the tweezers and glue remover goes everywhere, not just on the single lash you want off. Then you have to remove the remover and it all takes time.
And im in the firing line too.. I hate the way the remover makes everything all wet and the tape goes soggy.. so I started using my tweezers if it was just a few lashes and all of my clients say they don't feel a thing. They wouldn't keep returning if I were hurting them.

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I never use remover at infills, in fact only ever use remover for a full set. I remove all lashes that are grown out, top heavy and replace. My Infill appoint is 45 mins and yes, I could do a full set in 60 mins but by infilling you are using less lashes and often building on what you have already lashed

I have clients for infills booked in every hour on the hour, if i was to do a full set every time at infill, although it only takes me an hour to do a natural full set (80/90 lpe) i still wouldn't be able to fit in the same amount of clients (what with greet and payment and goodbye etc). Personally I don't understand the concept of a new set every time but lovely for the client lol xx
Also if you are using remover at infill you an avoid the remover getting on other lashes by making a "flag" with the end of a micro brush and a short piece of micropore tape, fold the tape at the end of the stick so that it is stuck around itself creating a little flag, weave that into the lash line so only your lash that you want removed is exposed. This will stop the remover going where it is unwanted x
I do lashes all day, every day. Infils take around 15-20 mins.
I never use lash remover on Infils as I don't want to risk taking others off and also takes way to long so I Remove with tweezers - if the lash is ready to come off I will slide it off easily, if it's not ready it will be in two weeks or drop off on its own before then.
Most of my clients perfer the look of Infils than a new set as look thicker. Most have Infils after Infils for months on end before a new set.
Loving all of these replies ladies, it's great to hear how you all do it differently and personal preferences x
I know ill get shot for this, but i never use glue remover on an infill. Your lashes if hanging off, messy or whatever can be carefully removed with your tweezers. It doesn't hurt the client. I don't like to mix remover where ill be using adhesive - there could be a chemical reaction. Plus there shouldnt be stickies.As for the ones half grown out, why take off the existing lash to replace with a new one when the donor lash will fall out regardless of if it has an extension attached

Do your clients not find a lack of uniformity between new and old lashes. When I used to have lashes I found that existing lashes would then sit lower than newly placed lashes after an infill so other than my first set I was never really happy with the infill set I came out with ?
Also if you are using remover at infill you an avoid the remover getting on other lashes by making a "flag" with the end of a micro brush and a short piece of micropore tape, fold the tape at the end of the stick so that it is stuck around itself creating a little flag, weave that into the lash line so only your lash that you want removed is exposed. This will stop the remover going where it is unwanted x

Great tip thank you :) Xxx
What do you mean sit lower Hun? X
What do you mean sit lower Hun? X

Sorry probably didn't make myself clear. Where the older lashes have grown out slightly ( ie 2mm) then they can drop slightly so you get the brand new lashes that are applied 1mm away from lash line sitting at one height and the older lashes sitting slightly lower so you then have a set of lashes that do not sit uniformed x
I never use remover on infills, always remove out grown loose lashes carefully with tweezers, a infill at 2 wks I allow 40mins and 3-4wks I allow 1hr. could only do infills in 20mins if i was just lashing and not removing loose outgrown lashes.

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