After 11 years of visiting and working at the shows I believe they are only useful to people who have just entered the business, it allows people to get an overview of what's available.
The nail and beauty industry need to give their clients something different...the shows are too busy to give a satisfactory service to the people who need it.
When someone visits a stand and sees a 'name' doing a few nails, it looks great and very easy...this isn't the REAL world!!!!
It's far too noisy and busy to be able to talk to people and find out what their needs are or what problems they are experiencing and then help in some way.
Unqualified techs and therapists can buy product and get 'training' from their friend or workmate, then go on to cause harm to clients and/or the industry through lack of knowledge and training.
We girls love a day out, especially when shopping's involved, I don't think this is the right arena to be doing business that may seriously affect our future careers and pockets.
I also believe it is the industry's responsibility to show our clients (and prospective clients) a better environment with more time allocated for people, what is available on the market with regard to products, training and support.:idea:
Demonstrations, having a 'try', asking advice, listening and watching the experts...this is what is required...REGULARLY...not just on show days (and in the case of Scotland, ONE day a year).
We won't be 'showing' at the Scottish show this year but we are offering, we believe, a better alternative, half a mile away at our new Centre. We believe this will be much better for our clients who will receive a more personal service (AND BREAKFAST THROWN IN :lol

This is just the start though, we will be doing things differently throughout the's time we gave more to our clients and not just expect THEM to come to US.