Well-Known Member
Wow,trust you to know the obscure,yet important things:hug:Here's a link to the album as well... Variations: Andrew Lloyd Webber: Music
I think the mother of all themes was Knots,but then i would be biast
I am not gonna put the theme up,however,i cam across this clip of montage,i think the words to the song are lovely,and it takes you through the infamous twosome,Gary and Val,and how he escaped the clutches of JR from Dallas,and fled to sunny California.I love the chemistry these two had,on and off the set,and how Julie Harris who played Valen's "mama" Lillimae Clements,the lovable funny woman she is.The end of the clip shows that Valene forgave her mama and still loved her....yes it is "pure 80s trash"....but it is my trash,and as long as i have knots and can paint nails,i am a happy woman:hug::lol:
YouTube - A New and Lovely Story..