I was taught pink and whites but honestly find it quite difficult to achieve a straight smile line. I also find that i spend so much time creating each one. Spending so much time with not fantastic results I easily get discouraged Having read on here that pink and whites is really the best way to go, as opposed to using a white tips i am determined to master it. I have read that you can use a white tip as a guide to applying white powder. Just a question though - would you blend the tips in - im guessing not as this would destroy the smile line??? Also would you use tips with or without a well? Im guessing with a well as this tip is thinner - so most of the strength will be with the acrylic. Also could you use a natural tip with a perfect smile line as a base for white powder as well, or is it not as effective? Once again im guessing you wouldnt blend the tips in? Also, i understand people say to keep on practising but does anyone have any advice on how they practise? I find it hard to get models just to practice - as many as i want anyway. I have tried practising on tips but its just no where near as realistic as a full set of nails. Any suggestions on ways to practise - someone had said something about using a rubber glove? Thank you.