hello i am leaving my surrent job to set up my own buisness and go freelance ...... i hope im doing the right thing..... i am teerifed but excited at the same time... would love some advice please xxx
Well I done it guys ......My boss didn't take ut well atall she asked me 2 leave there n then ..... On the good side the support has been amazing clients have been finding me on Facebook contacting me through people the they know... It's been brilliant and my book is looking good for September already .... Thank u so much for all ur advice xxx
If u had read my statement there my clients have been contacting me ..... As I just said through Facebook ect ....2 clients contacted me thro acdriend that making there wedding cakes ...... Sobieski have not contacted a single client .... And for the record it doesbt say Anything on my contract .... I'm not silly ...! X