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Hi, does anyone have any insight as to what to expect from a level 3 interview. I will finish my Level 2 in June, but Im still not very confident. The tutor that interviews and does the level 3 training took us one day when our usual tutor was off sick. Long story short he ripped me to pieces in front of the whole class calling me names etc. I was advised to put in an official complaint as i'm not the only person to experience his poor teaching methods. Knowing I was hoping to do level 3 and that he was in charge of it, I decided against complaining as I didnt want to P**S him off. So as you can imagine I'm slightly apprehensive about even going for my interview knowing it will be based on his decision and he will then be the tutor taking me for the year. I don't know what to do or where to go from here, so I thought if I could get a bit of what to expect from anyone during interview it would at least give me something I could may be practice or prepare myself for. Sorry for long message really worrying me. :cry: