FINALLY!!!! The cat is out of the bag! Samantha, Gigi, Jim and Moi' are over the moon at the announcement!
CND now has a team committed and focused specifically on CND and YOU! We see this as pretty exciting stuff as the team behind Sweet Squared embrace a philosophy that blasts beyond the simple distribution process of buy it in and get it out. The team here at Sweet Squared see distribution as a tool to connect CND with YOU, the nail professional.
So who is Sweet Squared?
Sweet Squared is a team that have devoted their professional careers in promoting and progressing the professional nail industry.
Sam and Sam Sweet are leaders in the industry, championing everything from award winning education and professional development to cutting edge shows in London, Milan and Paris fashion weeks. Thrown into the mix is a bit of the legendary Gigi Rouse, who practically started the industry in the UK. Add a dash of Jim Nordstrom whose father Dr Stuart Nordstrom founded CND in their garage and you have a power cocktail that is an adrenalin shot to an industry that is in sore need of it.
With all this hullabaloo, how can we sum up what S2 are all about?
Easy. I suppose you could say that we are utterly smitten with the professional nail industry and the people in it. That we exist for the one and only purpose that is the support and development both professionally and personally, of our customers (heck, even those that arent!).
We are all about Honesty, Commitment and Passion with an unquenchable desire to Inspire!
How does this change the Geek site? will be as it has been since its initial inception: A place for professionals to network regardless of their chosen brand. In a nutshell, just because we are now the UK distributors for CND doesn't mean that a thing will change around here!
When can I get my mitts on some (fill in the blank) CND product?
VERY SOON. In fact, more CND stock than the UK has seen in a year has already landed in the UK. Currently, we are in the middle of getting our infrastructure set up and fully tested. Our aim is for the first week of October to be fully operational, however if it can be done sooner, you can bet your bottom dollar (er, pound?) that it will be!
Is anything going to change?
You bet. All for the better. You have our word on it.
We look forward to working together with you and helping your dreams come true. Although it does sound kind of square
you have to admit
its kind of Sweet too (Squared)!!
Truly Yours,
Samuel, Samantha, Gigi and Jim.
Your Creative Partners.