Hi Tony
I don't know if this is going to help you, but let me tell you my story, 2yrs ago I did both my nvq level 2 & 3 and other additional course's.While doing both courses not once did I ever have a negative responce to me from a female client, I had plenty of encouragement from tutors also.Iasked my tutors plenty of times how I would get on in the industry, and was always told that I would never have a problem. I left June last year all fresh faced and full of eagerness, when I left I had plenty of interviews and no second interviews or the job itself, after a while I started to realise that salons in my area weren't going to employ me, I even had an interview at Saks that confirmed my suspicions,and even told me that salons in my area wouldn't know how to market me, and that I should aim for the bigger companies because they would know what to do with me, by the way I also didn't get that job too even after I was told that she had no problem with me or she would not of given me the interview.
So I went away not feeling defeated and decided to take their advice, it was a vicious circle the bigger company's said we like what we see, however the only thing not getting me that job was salon work and that was not going to happen any time soon, it is very frustrating I have sent out over 150 cv's covering Portsmouth, Winchester,Southampton and Brighton over the cousre of a year and it is very annoying, frustrating etc, I know I am just as good as the other girls I trained with.
It is annoying when I hear that the male grooming business is booming , well why is it so hard for us to get our foot in the door. I want to be a part of this industry I am 30 ( plus 3 extra yrs shhh don't tell anyone), and I left a career behind to do what I love not what I like, I now have a choice to make do I look for work in London, or do I make a business plan and set myself as mobile / freelance, this past week or so I have received a subscription to Professional Beauty Magazine and joined this forum, both have given me a new outlook.
It is hard work, when I left college I knew it was going to be harder than I was told, but I never knew it was going to be this difficult don't give up. Something will work out for you, I know it's easier said than done. See Andy he might be the situation you need, to get your fight back
Wow that is a ramble, but I felt it needed to be said let me know how you get on, thanks to people for reading this long post.
Take care Jason
