Males who do nails?


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The sole man
Apr 3, 2015
Reaction score
So I've set up my little salon at home and it's all ready to go. I've been really trying to get clients in but I can't help but think because I'm male it's holding me back?

It always seems whenever I tell people I'm a nail technician they are shocked and disbelief. Is it really that weird?

I just want my little salon to work. It's not about the money it's just about doing what I love.

Anyone any tips on how I can get around this? Any guy techs out there?
Many of the winning international nail techs are men, i don't see it any different to male hairdressers.

Ketan Patel (sadly retired now) was my CND Educator, he has won every nail competition and has hundeds of trophies. He now a judge occasionally these days

Check out this article too
I think the main thing is to get the woman's trust as you are a male and doing nails from home, I started with doing the friends nails for free till the word was starting to spred, you can do few sets of your best work on friends which work in feminine friendly environment, I remember 1 of my "clients" she was " I want simple plain nails" and I was "you get what I give you otherwise you pay" and I give her some not to long stiletto :)
Trinity I hope it becomes as common for male nail techs as it is with male hairdressers.

Llinca I think that's a good idea. If I can get people to recommend me via word of mouth then they will trust me to do nails!
Why not start off in a salon.
Set yourself up within a local hair salon, client won't feel 'awkward' in this environment.
Then as they get to know you, the fact that your a male will eventually become an asset - your USP!:cool:
Especially if he hit the gym 3 times/week and add a bit of personal charm :) <- naughty old lady
I was in a salon for a while. I think I will persevere. I'm good at what I do so I will just have to be patient!
I was in a salon for a while. I think I will persevere. I'm good at what I do so I will just have to be patient!
I would really make sure you put your work out there, get some great pics of what you do stick them on instagram/Facebook or whatever you like and people will come flooding in! Ask some friends maybe to let you do whatever you want to their nails and take lots of photos even if that means doing them a lil bit cheaper so you can really show off what you can do, the friends will also act as walking advertisements ;) I got most of my clients through people asking my friends where they get their nails done. I think once people see how good your work is they won't care about gender, they will just want the best nails x
I think I have liked your Facebook page (I'm a past student of Sam's) I noticed your share a lot of photos of colour pops or bottles but you don't share much art or what sets you apart from other techs in the area etc. I would offer to do some free nails on family and friends you choose the design and take some amazing photos. Try to post regular and keep clients updated. Post to buy swap sell sites to advertise your avaliability on facebook its free and has loads of potential clients in your local area. Hope that helps. X
Ohh yes I was with Sam last year for level 3. I should post more pictures of my work I always forget to take pictures at the end haha. I do post regularly to facebook now but facebook now restricts who can see posts. I'm thinking of doing a campaign through facebook as I've had good feedback from people to say it helps. I'll keep at it I will get there I'm sure of that :)

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