I've got a 2 sectioned beauty box from beautyboxes.com
High Quality Beauty / Vanity Trolleys from Beauty Boxes to carry my stuff in. Its on wheels and holds everything i need. Its heavy!! But more because of all the stuff i carry than the actual box :green: its on wheels so i dont carry it far but flats and apartments are still a pain.
Lots of people use the CND bucket bags but i preferred the box.
I also have 2 small seperate boxes that i had earlier in my career, one now has my lash extension stuff and the other i use to tranfer bits and bobs in if i'm doing a smaller treatment and dont need my whole kit.
The table is similar to this one
Manicure Nail Table with Cushion: Amazon.co.uk: Beauty i bought it 2nd hand off someone who had decided not to persue a mobile career so cant tell you exactly where it came from.
My chair.. well that is a saddle stool and i got it from ebay. This is the most annoying bit to carry around!! Its not heavy but bulky but it helps me sit correctly and comfortably.
It sounds like loads but i have a set way of carrying everything. The folded table goes under my right arm with the leg side resting on my hip to keep it stable. The right hand is then free to pull my case. The left hand carries my stool.

As i said, everyone has different ways of doing things and after a while you'll find whats best for you :hug: xxx