My question is..
Do you think that the Mod's do a good job for us in keeping his site in order and therefore relevant to people wanting advise or do you think the same forum standards would be maintained without them.
In an ideal world where all fully understand and follow the rules under which we are governed then we would certainly not need the Mod's and would indeed have to either find them something else worwhile to do all day long or to put them out to grass....sorry ladies but that is a fact:cry:
Thankfully an ideal world doesn't exist and as a conciquence we are privelaged to have a diverse range of opinions,argument and counter argument and therefore in this real world that we live in we would not survive for long without moderation of some yes we do need the moderators.:Kissing:
In so far as Salon Geek is I see it there are a number of elements all contributing to making this site more succesfull than others
1) the platform from which we all have the privelage to speak from...thank you Sam
2) an effective,fair and realitivley easily understood set rules which we all undertake to follow when using the platform...thank you Sam
3) An effective,fair and well balanced means of moderation by a dedicated Mod,s team...thank you mod's
4) Subject matter which has a common intrest to all participants...thank you Beauty industry
5) and last but not Geeks all with a wealth of experiance between us(and some good spirit to help lift the day)
so now for something to think about:idea:
If it were the case that all participants (us geeks) did in fact keep our side of the bargain and conduct ourselves within the "rules" would it not be the case that the mod's workload in dealing in minor issues would be greatly reduced therefore freeing them up to deal with bigger issues and making a far bigger contribution (given their skills) with the same level of input which would further benifit the site and us all.
An example...I googled "back sack and crack" yesterday and found myself back on Salon other words what and how we say things on this site filters out to the whole world (a bigger picture)
Now isnt that an awsome thought ...from a entry point student right the way up to "mr big" can all have a say and posative contribution to someone needing advice,a pep up or simply a giggle..whether the person seeking help happens to be in Bolton Lancashire or on the other side of the globe.
The mod's through the work they do clearly help protect us from making a complete ass of ourselves in Kentucky,Rome or simply Bolton Lancashire.
Happy geeking..oh and hello kentucky:hug: