One of my most memorable embarrassing moments was when i was just 16/17yrs.
I got up for work one morning and my brother was asleep on the couch his clothes, wallet, shoes etc strewn across the floor, i picked up everything put them all neatly together finished getting ready and went for the door, as i opened the door there on the floor/step was a featherlight(Durex) so instead of taking it back in i just shoved it in my purse (so my dad didn't pick it up and my brother get into trouble) and set of to work.
I never thought no more... i got on the packed bus sat upstairs waiting for the conductor to come round for the fares, still half a sleep myself, this bus conductor comes up to me and asked for my bus fair i reached into the zipper of my purse where i kept my change and there wasn't enough so i opened the back of my purse where i kept my notes,
just as i Opened the popper this blooming featherlight falls on the deck......
OMG everyone looked!!!!
The conductor looks at me with a big grin loud chirpy voice and says...... whay hey lovely that yours!:o:o:o..... why don't you come up and see me sometime:Grope:
I nearly died:Scared: was totally mortified, Never the less i never got that bus again for a long while lol.