My Mum died tonight of a brain bleed, brain stem death I believe it is called.
She was fine this morning, we were laughing and joking as I straightened her hair. She had to do a stress management presentation in a town 1 hour away this afternoon and my Dad took her.
Apparently, she was giving the presentation, suddenly went silent and then collapsed. She was rushed to the nearest hospital. I believe she was in a coma at this point.
My OH, Dad and I have been with her all evening, but there was nothing they could do. She "offically" died at 11.21, but she had to have a series of tests and then had the ventilator removed, my dad and I stayed and held her until her heart stopped.
I dont really know why I am posting, I guess it hasnt sunk in and I feel the more people I tell, the more real it will become.
She was in no pain, and the bleeding was not caused by anything other than a blood vessel. So no-one is to blame. That is some comfort.
My Dad and I got home about 2am, and have just sat up drinking brandy and talking about how fabulous my Mum was.
I am 26 yrs old and have already lost my babies, and now my Mother. Life can be so cruel but I am determined to stay strong, and be there for my Dad, who has lost his lover and best friend and wife. It was their 29th wedding anniversary last weekend.
Stay close to your loved ones, always tell them you love them, then you will have no regrets. My Mummy knew that I loved her very much, I told her all the time.
God Bless.