Nail wraps/Minx not as popular anymore?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2008
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Cornwall England
Hi Guys any one else been finding that minx etc has slowed down this summer, last summer and summer before I was so busy with them doing partys a couple times a week and clients wanting them on top of every treatment. I would pack my minx kit daily as people would just ask for them during another treatment! I am just wondering if this is the same for everyone else, there are a couple more nail techs in my area now so it may be down to that. How is everyone else finding it? X
Definately! I hardly do minx anymore its all twinkle toes i seem to do now! I probably only do minx once a week now x
Yeah i think i could count of both hands thw amount of minx clients we've had this year alone!

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I have a mixture of mind and trendy Only done 1 set of hands in the past 2 months but my clients tell me they prefer the gelish on both hands and feet as it lasts a lot longer even contemplated selling my wrap kit xx
We do more Shellac and Minx than ever ... Certainly just as popular here :D. But then we do market Minx very well to our clients, we also wear it on our toes and it certainly gets noticed.
Thanks for the replys! Just thaught it could be to do with the fact that around here we are all still in our winter boots!! Grrrrr British weather! X
I do kooky wraps and it was really slow so I put them all on colour wheels on display and they are getting popular again. Not so much as last year though and my clients still wearing uggs doesn't help! Hope sun comes out soon.
It's the Shelac, celebs are wearing it so that's what the clients want.
Good idea to put the minx on a colour wheel though, it might bring the interest back as Gigi said, got to market them:D
It's the Shelac, celebs are wearing it so that's what the clients want.
Good idea to put the minx on a colour wheel though, it might bring the interest back as Gigi said, got to market them:D

If my clients were all still wearing boots I'd tell them that, what Minx is all about is "hiding the Minx in you!". So what, if you are not showing them off to the world in open toed sandals. It gives us pleasure seeing them when the boots come off in the evening.

Feet can be pretty year 'round; pretty feet should not be exclusive to the summer months only.
At the salon I work in we are always busy with minx, we have at least 1 a day if not more, as Gigi has said above if they are new to minx the main reason they book in us because 1. Like Shellac, minx has the marketing done for you, it's know as a high quality brand and 2. Because we all wearing ourselves, at the moment I have snow leopard and one toe crystals, the amount of people that comment and book in.

We have had a busy week this week though due to Ascot, and we have already had 2 new clients book in from seeing their friends toes at Ascot!
We've been slow with pedi's in general because our clients just aren't getting their feet out. More than made up for it in new Gelish clients though.
I also think it has alot to do with alot of shops selling alternatives clients can do themselves at home :(
I also think it has alot to do with alot of shops selling alternatives clients can do themselves at home :(

A certain type of individual will do home wraps ... fortunately none of our clients would dream of doing their own. Now those are the type of clients I like to cultivate. Kids do their own stuff ... mature women tend not to.
A certain type of individual will do home wraps ... fortunately none of our clients would dream of doing their own. Now those are the type of clients I like to cultivate. Kids do their own stuff ... mature women tend not to.

So True.
Well not all our clients are mature and it's the younger ones students etc with not much spare cash for salon treatments that would do it them selves

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