Neals Yard remedies


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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2006
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How many of you are consultanats and stock this in your salons. I was looking for a more organic type facial products that would appeal to other clients over my orginal range.
Do you like using the products?
Is it a good/worthwhile investment?
Do you retail alot?
Do you do many treatments?
Any feedback greatly appreciated
I have been to a neals yard party a few times as a customer and thought it was expensive, hardly anyone bought apart from the host (can't really remember a lot else sorry)
I know quite a few people who love the range, but I found that it made my face sting!
I do love their hand cream though, and the lavender roll on doodaa is great for helping me through my all too frequent anxiety attacks.
My friend Sharon is very rude about the whole range declaring it to be nothing more than scented lard, which I think is just not called for!
If you're looking for a 100% organic range have you considered Spiezia Organics?
If you're looking for a 100% organic range have you considered Spiezia Organics?

The Spiezia products are lovely, I had a rep come and show me them once, but no-one's parting me from my Decleor! They are a better bet than Neal's Yard as NY are only % organic, which to me is a misnomer, it either is organic or it isn't. Saying something is part organic is like saying a roast beef dinner is 80% vegetarian because it comes with vegetables!
I have been to a neals yard party a few times as a customer and thought it was expensive, hardly anyone bought apart from the host (can't really remember a lot else sorry)

It's worth remembering that 'expensiveness' is all relative, depending upon expendable income and spending priority. My family for example are working class and will happily tell me my Decleor products are expensive and unaffordable, whereas my client base is wealthy and tell me they find Decleor very reasonable and long-lasting. I think we have to be careful in business not to let our own value judgments inform those of our clients; our intended market is not always necessarily one and the same as that we personally fall into!
Don't close your clients' purses before they've even opened them!
I was a NYR consultant for a little while after Vie at Home started playing up. I just couldn't get on with it :-(
the skin care range didn't smell great and the products seemed expensive to my customers. I think it may have been that I was trying to sell the whole organic skin care to Vie customers where as I probably should have been looking at a different type of buyer ?!
On the plus Side the blue bottles look amazing and I loved the hand wash!!

I use a company called 100% organic for my basic personal skin care range - it's lovely
Dandelion, what do you do now? I am ex vie manager, I don't sell a lot of skincare but have been looking in to makeup, not party plan though :)
I use Neals Yard in my salon and my clients love it! As a supplier the company gove you great discount and commission. It's easy to sell and looks amazing. Only complaint I've had from one person is that the products smell quite strong but my other clients love it! I looked at lots of other skincare products and as an ex Clarins employee I'd say not much difference in their products to Neals yard apart from price!! Great value for money:lol:
I really like the products, particularly the shower gels. They are pricier than what you say get in boots or a supermarket, but now and again I like to treat myself.
However, their make up range is very limited and uninspiring.
The Spiezia products are lovely, I had a rep come and show me them once, but no-one's parting me from my Decleor! They are a better bet than Neal's Yard as NY are only % organic, which to me is a misnomer, it either is organic or it isn't. Saying something is part organic is like saying a roast beef dinner is 80% vegetarian because it comes with vegetables!

Thats actually incorrect - EVERYTHING in the NYR range is 100% natural and totally from plants but theyare honest enough to say the figure on %organic REGISTERED product in the pot - the rest is made up on salt, water and clays as they CANNOT be listed as organic as you cant guarantee they come from a source that has never touched a chemical. Unlike other brands that put organic parts into a chemical base the NYR range is totally free of petro chemicals which is why i moved over to them as chemical ranges really caused me major problems with my eczema.

If you arent sure on anything regarding the BYR range feel free to ask so you have the correct info to make your decisions
I really like the products, particularly the shower gels. They are pricier than what you say get in boots or a supermarket, but now and again I like to treat myself.
However, their make up range is very limited and uninspiring.

I love the shower gels as well - and sell a lot of the aromatic foaming bath and seaweed and arnica foaming bath to sports massage clients, along with the arniuca salve.

My problem with the range is that they are so concentrated that customers dont use them up fast enough if they are taught how to use them properly -i got a telling off when i went on their training as i was using far to much of the product which could make peoples skin greasy but they soon put me right and helped me to work out the best way of integrating it into the current treatments and things we offered (doing a hand massage whilst people have foils on as a quick freebie brings a LOT of sales of the hand creams - especially the Melissa hand care kit)

The make range was only introduced in February and is continuing to expand - they have foundation, blusher, bronzer, eye shadow, lip gloss, eye pencils and brushes at present with mo and are looking at extending with lipsticks and mascara as they work out the correct organic formulations to make them last without chemicals as far as im aware. My customers were a bit difficult to convert from normal make up to mineral - but those that have seem to be enjoying them more and making more use of the products - but if you have someone who likes an extreme make up then this will be to subtle for them though mixing the eyeshadow with a bit of moisturiser before applying really makes it pop out in a totally different way to using it dry,
I was a NYR consultant for a little while after Vie at Home started playing up. I just couldn't get on with it :-(
the skin care range didn't smell great and the products seemed expensive to my customers. I think it may have been that I was trying to sell the whole organic skin care to Vie customers where as I probably should have been looking at a different type of buyer ?!

I struggled when i started as well because i was using to much - but i went to a lot of the training and they soon put me right! saved me a fortune and made it easier to help the customers understand why a pot of it is so strong and to use VERY little ( a full facial with enough cleanser to cover a thumb nail shocked me totally but the results have proved they are right as customers keep coming back for more!)

And because i dont party plan i put my customers orders through as a virtual party and claim the "party host" allowance for my own salon use - so it makes it work out about 60% off retail when i factored in my freebies :)

If you didnt resign and still got your account and want to know how i do it drop me a message and make use of what you have already invested in :)
How many of you are consultanats and stock this in your salons. I was looking for a more organic type facial products that would appeal to other clients over my orginal range.
Do you like using the products?
Is it a good/worthwhile investment?
Do you retail alot?
Do you do many treatments?
Any feedback greatly appreciated

I've been working for NYR Organic for a year now since leaving a huge business with Virgin Cosmetics/Vie at Home. Its the best thing I've ever done and I'm not just saying that because I work with their products. All my existing customers LOVE the quality and the prices of the products £21 for an anti-ageing night cream is much much cheaper than I used to sell it at with Vie.
I've found that the mass market is shifting to Organic so I wanted to be able to keep up with current trends and with a British Company still family owned as I quite liked working with Richard Branson before - the Kindersley family fit the bill perfectly. I really enjoyed my amazing trip to Ibiza with them earlier in the Summer as a guest!!!
My consultants who I work with are all doing really well with the business. So if you need a recommendation I'd say go with NYR Organic it fits all the PRODUCT criteria, massive range now with stunning make-up, fabulous prices cheaper than the high street as its all made at our eco factory from natural ingredients not chemicals for which the cost is rising all the time. PEOPLE Lovely people are attracted to this company and product which is fab...such a lovely working environment, they share the company's mission of "People Helping People" and "Changing the world one Blue Bottle at a Time" PASSION as the home side of Neals Yard is only 3 years old there is so much excitement and passion and potential that comes with it!!

Message me if you like to look at the business plan or try some samples etc. I can only be honest about my experience and I'm so delighted I chose them as a company to work with x:lol:
Thats actually incorrect - EVERYTHING in the NYR range is 100% natural and totally from plants

If you'd read my reply properly you'd see I said the range wasn't 100% organic, which is true as NYR even state that on the pots.

Also, you say it's all 100% natural and "totally from plants", but I'm not sure which part of a plant yields clay?! Also, I'm sure I've seen salt certified as organic by the soil association, and some clays, so you must be able to get these as organic.

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