New beauty salon wanting to introduce hair


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New Member
Aug 29, 2012
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Im a new beauty salon owner, and have decided to offer hair to my clients. Basically she is running her own business but we will be sharing the rent... I will have a contract drawn up but just wanted to any advice, ideas that I can throw in?

This is my offer to her...

Magazines, Tea and Coffee, Booking of appointments when she is not here, electricity, water, Im buying one wash basin and chair with two styling stations as thats all that I have room for, use of the eftpos terminal and she will invoice me for the work she has done.

I pay 430 per week including outgoings, electricity has been 100 for 3 months. My offer to her is 250 per week? Do you think it is too much or too less?

Any feedback would be fabulous!!

how much is your water rates going to go up by when she will be using alot of water?? also your electric will go up alot as constant hair dryer on!

i think you could share the tea coffee??after all nail and beauty clients dont have many drinks where as hair clients who could be sitting around for hours when colour is on would drink alot more!! it may not seem alot but will mount up.

just things to think about but better to discuss now than regret later, xx
Yes, I was drawing up the contract last night and thought, i dont even use the tea and coffee, and as for magazines i would have to buy quite a lot of hair ones i guess too... Maybe i wont add that into it.

There is quite a lot to think about, at the moment im only getting by paying rent so to have someone to share this would give me spare cash at the end of the week.

I also stated that the contract would be rewritten yearly to ensure things are fair between her and I.

So much to think about!

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