New pregnancy thread


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Lauren121 if i paid on my next directory account would they credit my account or still just exchange?
Did you order them online or pay on your directory card?
Aww thanks. I only decided on that name a few hours b4. Me and oh couldn't agree on a name. And when he saw how much pain I was in he sed just choose a name u like I'm sure u will get through most of your clothes.

How is everyone else getting on? Not long now December girls!! Xx
Im due end of Jan but got a feeling she is going to make an early appearance. Lyd91 i have so many clothes its ridiculous! Completely gone over the top but this is my first girl so thats my excuse :) and we have agreed this is the last baby so i have gone all out!
Is anyone in early pregnancy? I'm 9 weeks - I already have two girls 4&8 and was so content I wasn't expecting this little surprise!! We haven't announced it yet we have just spent the time getting used to the idea xx
Congratulations! Im not in early pregnancy anymore but can remember being 9 weeks. How are you feeling?
I have had horrific sickness which I had with both my girls!!
Pressed reply too soon!!! Had a lot of sickness which is tiring - it has been hard work putting a brave face on, on the school run when I feel so ill! It will almost be a relief when people know so they understand why I look so awful [emoji23] I feel like a first time mum!! How many weeks are you? How are you feeling?? Xx
I am 31 weeks tomorrow. I felt awful with this pregnancy and I am having a girl. I was showing by 6 weeks with her so people knew really early on. We didn't tell anyone but people were asking us so we just told them. I feel ok now, no sickness or anything but I am getting tightenings and period like pains and my lower back is killing me! I had pelvic pain again this time around so thats not fun either! But at least i am nearly at the end now :)
Is anyone in early pregnancy? I'm 9 weeks - I already have two girls 4&8 and was so content I wasn't expecting this little surprise!! We haven't announced it yet we have just spent the time getting used to the idea xx

Congratulations! X
38+1 weeks today and I want her to come now. Iv been walking, eating pineapple, drinking raspberry leaf tea (since 32 weeks) bouncing on my ball, hoovering [emoji85] I know nothing will work until she's ready but I'm still gonna try lol x
Not long babychops, so exciting! Do you feel like anything is happening?
Not long babychops, so exciting! Do you feel like anything is happening?

Umm I'm not sure really, iv been having period cramps for a few days and been getting shooting pains which feel like are in my cervix, but not sure if that means anything tbh x
Is anyone in early pregnancy? I'm 9 weeks - I already have two girls 4&8 and was so content I wasn't expecting this little surprise!! We haven't announced it yet we have just spent the time getting used to the idea xx

I'm 7 weeks & I have an 11 year old so it all feels new! Like I don't remember what to expect at all lol. Xx
Babychops that sounds promising to me, everything must be getting in place ready for labour x
Babychops that sounds promising to me, everything must be getting in place ready for labour x

I hope so, I'm bouncing on my ball atm to try and get things moving lol midwife said yesterday baby is engaged so is getting ready. I hope I don't go overdue :-( how have you been feeling? X
Feeling like you! Period pains, tightenings, lower back ache. Im only 31 weeks though so ive got a few weeks of feeling like this yet!
Feeling like you! Period pains, tightenings, lower back ache. Im only 31 weeks though so ive got a few weeks of feeling like this yet!

Hopefully your little one doesn't come too early! Iv had the odd contraction here and there as well which hurt like hell! But they are very very irregular, like 1 every other day lol X
The midwife told me to slow down and start relaxing because she said overdoing it obviously makes it worse. I think she might be early though.
Babychops, I've not been on SG for ages (had a little boy Oct '14) and you were on the original pregnancy thread ttc so it's wonderful to see you're pregnant and hopefully about to drop! Massive congratulations to you. I'm pregnant again after a MC in June. I'm only 5 weeks and super nervous to have another MC but trying to stay positive!

I raked the leaves in the garden the night I went into labour, I swear that's what did it! Mind you, I was 11 days overdue!!

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