New to the site looking for advice urgently!


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Feb 6, 2015
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Hi all I'm new to this site and I'm just looking for some advice quite urgently!

On the 30th July 2012 we did an eyebrow Tint and wax and the client insisted on having the tint done without a patch test so much so that we carried it out, the client then came in with her parents the following day suffering an allergic reaction, we apologised profusely and even the clients mother said that she should have had more sense than to have it done without a test as she is allergic to some home hair dyes and other things. Just before Christmas 2014 a photograph and a lot of slating of us and the salon was posted on Facebook. Now February 2015 we have recieved a solicitors letter from this client. Has any one had a similar experience or does anyone know where I stand with this? I am completely baffled as to why this client has waited almost 2 and a half years to proceed with legal action! Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Do you have anything in writing to say that she takes full responsibility for any reactions she may have due to not having a patch test prior to the treatment?

Even if the client signed a disclaimer they apparently don't stand up in court. How old was the client at the time of treatment? You need to contact your insurance company ASAP but would imagine they'll tell you that you're not covered as you didn't follow manufacturers instructions, but you should be able to get legal advice from them at least.
The client was 16. Does the fact that it has been over two years not stand for anything? We are very baffled by the whole situation.
I don't know what the legal time scale is to be honest but do call your insurance providers. Their legal team can give you that sort of information. Please let us know how you get on.
I believe that the maximum periods set by the courts are three years for injury claims and six years for financial losses.
Thank you I will contact the insurance company and let you know how I get on.
I worked at a salon where something similar happened only she knew she would react and then demanded her eyebrows be tattooed, semi permanent makeup, for free or she would sue. If you carried out the treatment your at fault,you should never let a client bully you into a treatment. And yes disclaimers are useless and don't stand up in court as you the therapist are supposed to do everything in your power too stop a reaction occurring xxx

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I have a feeling they are meant to have gone to the doctors/hospital with the reaction within a certain timeframe. They would need a medical note. If they have left it this long it is unlikely they will have enough proof of what happened. I am sure you will never carry out a treatment without a patch test again as if a client has a reaction your insurance will not cover you, you are not only putting your clients at risk but yourself too. Hope you get this sorted out soon.
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I expect they've seen one of those adverts and hope to claim some cash!
Sorry to jump in but just wondering if you are meant to get clients to sign anything once u have performed a skin test? Sort of as proof you have done it?

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Yes it should be noted on there record card and signed xxx

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