It could possibly just be this client, but from what you have written it seems that you are mixing systems, and this could be where the problem lies.
Shellac doesn't require the natural nail to be buffed, and using another brands top and base coat can lead to service break down, along with not using the correct lamp with the correct system.
I have a client who often changes between shellac and gelish and I purposely do not buff the natural nails when applying gelish and she is still getting 2- 3 weeks wear respectively. She had previously been told that her gel polish had peeled because her nails were too oily, but since coming to me has had no issues at all, which leads me to believe that the other salon was either not doing the correct prep, mixing systems and/or using the incorrect lamp.
Shellac doesn't require the natural nail to be buffed, and using another brands top and base coat can lead to service break down, along with not using the correct lamp with the correct system.
I have a client who often changes between shellac and gelish and I purposely do not buff the natural nails when applying gelish and she is still getting 2- 3 weeks wear respectively. She had previously been told that her gel polish had peeled because her nails were too oily, but since coming to me has had no issues at all, which leads me to believe that the other salon was either not doing the correct prep, mixing systems and/or using the incorrect lamp.