No more babies?


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ok i was really happy when i had james and really didnt want anymore, even when my mates had a baby it didnt get me broody,we were also gonna send dave for a snip :Scared: but i have waited 4 years and now am pregnant again , i never ever thought i would again coz i was happy with him, and the way my life was, but we decided that we did infact want another, and i know i would have been gutted if he'd had the snip, so if i were you i would wait !!!
you can get the coil that has no hormones in it , so you dont react , i know coz my mates got it , as she is allergic to the pill , hope this helps , dee xxx
Thanks everyone for your replies.

Today we cancelled the vasectomy appointment and I'm going to the docs next week to enquire about the coil.

I feel a weight has been lifted off my shoulders!!!

Thanks you guys you are all so lovely and supportive xx
Thats brilliant news babe. Its good to know you can communicate and come to a comprimise sounds like you ahve a good un there.
Oh I am really pleased I thought I was going to have to tell you my story!!!:wink2:

Looks like you ahve done the right thing LOL!!!!

Caz xxx
caz3 said:
Oh I am really pleased I thought I was going to have to tell you my story!!!:wink2:

Looks like you ahve done the right thing LOL!!!!

Caz xxx

Should I or shouldn't I ask "whats your story" or don't you want to tell!!
scattyfox said:
Thats brilliant news babe. Its good to know you can communicate and come to a comprimise sounds like you ahve a good un there.

He's the best!!xx (well in my eyes anyway) :Love:
glad you got sorted hun, i am sure you will feel better now , :) , dee xxxxxx
Brilliant, Im really pleased. Bet husband is too!
Thats fantastic news, having onnly just read through the posts i was thinking oh dear i diont hink shes def certain bowt the vasectomy, but you already knew that and made the right desciion for you now! Its bluddy hard work deciding on more babies or not, im 23 and last week was rushed into hosp as i had a endometrial cyst on my ovaries, i was told i have to have my babies now or have it "all taken out" and "no more babies". Now, i have an 18month old now, and by gosh i luurve him! I fall in love more each day, though it is hard work! And i do get broody sooo much! I sometimes am desperate for another but then i think well, am i feeling like this becasue i have to feel like this, knowing i wont ever get a chance again?! Its so confusing, i dont want to have to make this descison not now, not ever! Gawd us women go through soo much dont we!! Could be worse tho! I should be really really greatful for having Cobey now, but we always want more dont we! Sorry for sounding a bit greedy there!
Anyway youve made your right descision and im glad for you so i didnt have to go on there boring you all! Sorry! :confused: But congrats on your descision!! xx
cutiecuticles said:
Thats fantastic news, having onnly just read through the posts i was thinking oh dear i diont hink shes def certain bowt the vasectomy, but you already knew that and made the right desciion for you now! Its bluddy hard work deciding on more babies or not, im 23 and last week was rushed into hosp as i had a endometrial cyst on my ovaries, i was told i have to have my babies now or have it "all taken out" and "no more babies". Now, i have an 18month old now, and by gosh i luurve him! I fall in love more each day, though it is hard work! And i do get broody sooo much! I sometimes am desperate for another but then i think well, am i feeling like this becasue i have to feel like this, knowing i wont ever get a chance again?! Its so confusing, i dont want to have to make this descison not now, not ever! Gawd us women go through soo much dont we!! Could be worse tho! I should be really really greatful for having Cobey now, but we always want more dont we! Sorry for sounding a bit greedy there!
Anyway youve made your right descision and im glad for you so i didnt have to go on there boring you all! Sorry! :confused: But congrats on your descision!! xx

Vicci I really feel for you, these decisions are awful aren't they. Sometimes I just want a crystal ball that will tell me what the answer is.
Lol!Me 2! Have u enquired about the mirena coil? xx
cutiecuticles said:
Lol!Me 2! Have u enquired about the mirena coil? xx

I believe that releases hormones and I can't have any thing with hormones in, I just want a barrier!!!

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