well guys here is an update
both girls arrived an appropriate colour for work....
they both worked their wee butts off, got to lunchtime and all the cleaning had been done so they offered to go out and flyer drop...
they both sheepishly asked me if they could have their tan done for them in the salon....
both were just on generally good form, one issue with reception desk which I will put down to nerves....
Think they were both nervous as one lady had a gown, towel, another gown and another towel on....LOL
But all went well. I got the newer one to wash the older ones hair and let her blow dry and straighten it, they both were saying "do youw ant me to blow dry in the salon now
" I just said if they improve at everything else then eventually they may be doing things like straightening clients hair etc...
Lets see what next week brings but thank everyone for the help