Why does my boyfriend leave cupboard doors open?
Why does he always have his hands down his pants?
Why does my mum keep me on the phone for AGES when I say "I have to go now"?
Why do I get something in my eye, causing it to run, when I have just done my make up perfectly for a change?
Why do I want to stay in bed when I have to be up for work, yet on my days off I'm up even earlier?
Like someone said before: Why do cats puke up hair balls on my rugs and carpets when there is PLENTY of hard floor for them to do it on. Come to think of it, why don't they just do it outside?
Why is it when I wear something white, I spill food and drink down myself?
Why does the heating pack in, in the middle of winter?
Why do people throw rubbish that then gets blown into my garden?
I could go on...