I prefer tips with a well area, it kinda makes sure the natural nails free-edge is encapsulated in it's own neat little area (kinda caps it), whereas well-less tips (any brand) are just plonked on top and when they grow out, where the free edge is, naturally has a ledge that tends to collect dirt.
Also, when you think of the side profile (depth of acrylic application), without blending there has to be a thinner area of acrylic (the bit where it's not blended), which is pretty much the stress area.
We are all taught that the acrylic gives the strength (not the tip) and when using well-less tips, where that seam is, there is hardly any acrylic (unless you are doing thicker nails) ...... merely logic.
I've never had trouble blending a tip (it takes me 2 swipes across) and allows me to have a slightly thicker (completely unnoticeable coverage of acrylic where it's needed the most) lending itself to a me reinforced and durable nail ...... again (logical).
With well-less tips unless you use a masking (coverage powder) you can still see the tip underneath (unless you are using clear tips).
The company I use for most of my product has an amazing well-less tip, with beautiful straight sidewalls (You will see them in your country shortly).
Creatives well-less tips taper in and building them out is a pain.
Even though I consider the well-less tips my supplier has to be superior in shape to Creatives, I still prefer a tip with a well, (and just to demonstrate I am not bias) , I use tips from another company all together (and they are a quarter of the price I usually pay), and a 10th the price of Creatives.
I'm yet to discover a company that has it all......(no matter what they say/preach). I'm my own person and always will be. Even when I was a paid distributor and demonstrator (going back now), I refused to "flavor or favor a product, when I knew there was something better (or a better technique).
Well-less tips were once considered lazy (even by many in here) ..... now they are all the rage
... go figure.
Are they easier?
Are they better?
Or have we become lazy?
take my advice, I'm not using it !!!!
Thank you definitely food for thought:hug:
Can you give any more details on the new range to hit our shores?