Overlaying Damaged Nails


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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
This is one of those times you're not sure.

A neighbor has a friend who's daughter in law took a 'course' (locally... which means CRAP.. as Quebec has no standards/licensing etc...)
It was one day :rolleyes:

Long story short... she came to me to have them removed. They were a DREADFUL mess. I can't remember in all these years ever having seen the like, except once. I buffed to the thinnest layer, and then soaked off the rest. The file damage from her daughter in law was SCAREY.
We did a natural mani after with a moisturizing treatment.
They were red and the plates were torn every which way.

I did a full consult and retailed her some oil and balm to soothe the skin and nails.

We did discuss the option of enhancements overlaid to prevent further tearing of the nailplate and to protect them while they grew out. She's on a budget amd said she'd wait and see.

ONe week later, she's at my table.
Three of them are tearing up the middle from the overfiling of the natural nail. She can't bear to touch them. We discussed the 3 different options I offer, the pros and cons of each, wound up using gel (due to her budget as my L&P is higher priced than my gel because I can't raise my gel prices too fast to bring them to where they SHOULD be)
I was concerned about heatspike due to their thinness.. but she did ok. We did 3 sec flashes instead of 5... that helped.

I did them VERY VERY short so they couldn't catch on anything and explained my concerns about the weak plate. I chose a clear overlay instead of coverage because 1) if any lift resulted from the damaged plates, it would be evident even to her 2) the coloured gel seems to have a higher incidence of heat spike (I guess more photo-initiators in it?)
I painted her french and scheduled her a tentative slot 1wk from now just in case, and a regular fill 2wks from now.

I wanted her to be comfortable, but my concern is the delicacy of the plate remaining. Any pulls on it.........
She was very happy and ready to risk it because they were hurting her.
Immediately after, when she touched things, it felt better.

BUT I still ask myself.... should I have just let the damage grow out?
was it better to protect them from further splitting and peeling and etc..???
I just want to know if you would have done the same?
I think you've done the right thing. They were hurting without anything on the thin nail plate, and don't hurt now. You've put on a clear overlay so that you can see anything sinister underneath developing or any lifting from poor adhesion to the damaged nail plate. The nails were tearing , so goodness knows what they'd be like in a few weeks, whilst she's trying to grow them out. You've retailed her iol and balm to use. I think you've done the very best for this client, and I'm sure she won't let her daughter-in-law near her nails again! :hug:
Oh dear!

Personally I would have used a resin just to protect them and take away some of the pain. Resin with a gentle brush on activator. Polish if the nails look awful but no polish removal.

This should take a minimal amount of time (20 mins) and a weekly return for a careful check and smoothing off of the overlay with acetone and a thin reapplication.

This should deal with financial issues plus it is the gentlest overlay. After several weeks the nails will be fine.

Resin is so underrated and can be used for so many problems
very good call
I had to do the same thing with client with severe damage from years of BAD acrylics. Clear gel (biosculpture) and we polished over them but she has to know that it will take several months for the damage to be gone so she doesn't expect you to work miracles in a few weeks!
I'm in agreement with Mum. Resin overlay would have been a good resolution. But since she didn't have any heat spikes then that is good. Not so sure about the acetone soakoff because that would be painful. Overall an overlay does protect the nails while they grow out and the damaged area grows off and it keeps the pain to a minimum. Kudos to you for doing the right thing and giving such a great consultation.
I would suggest the same, but so that she maybe able to go 2 weeks between seeing you, do a fibreglass overlay. It will take the ouch out of the nail, but still be flexible enough to move with the thin keratin layers underneath.
But resin on its own will do the trick too. Resin can come to the rescue when other things fail.
Thanks everyone!

We did consider the resin, BUT I don't do fiberglass yet and the brand of resin used with my brand of 'gel-resine' aka tip-n-dip we have locally requires soak-offs every 2-3 wks so I was concerned about more soaks in acetone and it can sometimes sting a bit from the activator. I've noticed this more when someone breaks a nail and tears the flesh at the hyponichium?
Also, she's not a fan of gloves for housekeeping & with the weak base (nail plate).. and harsh household cleansers.. I worried about lift . I figured there'd be less risk of lift with the gel. I would have preferred to do L&P (only because it's a soakable and the gel is a buff-off.. and I don't want to have to buff her at all and the L&P seems less picky about damaged nail plates. Gel doesn't like damage)
There were tears that went right through to her nailbed.:eek:

I did tell her that the very second there was any lift whatsoever, to call me ASAP so that it wouldn't have a chance to catch on her hair or whatever and pull at her already damaged plates :-(
She's retired, so her schedule is very open during the day, so I could fit her in anywhere. I told her to use bandaids over any lift that appears until she gets to me, to prevent them catching.
ASSUMING any lift occurs. Been a few days now, and she hasn't called. Assuming all is well?

I should really look at a different brand of resin. As for the fiberglass/silk... I can't seem to find a good course nearby (or any for that matter, never mind good. Can't even find a tech that does it). I may just have no choice but to learn from you guys.
Between the 3 systems I already have under my belt, I should be able to?

Thanks again everyone!

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