Perm advise please


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Sally Anderson

New Member
May 14, 2018
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Hello Community!
I have been hearing for the past few months that curls are coming back fast and furious! I was reading an article recently to be prepared to start having more and more clients asking for perms. I have only been a stylist for 12 years, so I missed the perm craze of the 80's and 90's. As luck would have it one of my clients (college age about 23) called today asked if I could do a bowl cut with a curly perm. I really am not sure what she is referring to!! I mean... the name kinda gives away the obvious, but have never done anything like this. Was hoping someone with experience could advise me on this style and give me some pointers on the cut and maybe the rod size and wrap. (Pics would be Great)
Feeling Ignorant!
@RED STAR is very experienced in perming and might know what she’s referring to as it’s a complete mystery to me. o_O
If possible, ask her to pop in and show you some pictures of what she means.
'Bowl cut & perm....'! :D idea....It sounds like a sight to behold ...:p

Ask her to forward some photo's ....she might just be using her own description - 'bowl'....
I wonder if she means halo, instead of 'bowl'.... ?
That could make sense.....if so, that would be a stack perm.;)
I've just youtubed it!
It's what we used to call a top perm.
Short on the back and sides, left long on the top, then permed.:)
Really easy.....directional wind...rod size to depend on hair texture and final result required.
@RED STAR is very experienced in perming and might know what she’s referring to as it’s a complete mystery to me. o_O
If possible, ask her to pop in and show you some pictures of what she means.
Thank YOU!
I've just youtubed it!
It's what we used to call a top perm.
Short on the back and sides, left long on the top, then permed.:)
Really easy.....directional wind...rod size to depend on hair texture and final result required.
Thank You so much! I also youtubed it after your suggestion, and my client also sent me a pic of what she wants. yes... seems pretty straight forward and simple. I have been hearing a lot about perms making a big comeback, and maybe I am not up to date on the very latest trends, but this seems pretty drastic!o_O (Especially for a college kid) will be interesting to see if this becomes more wide-spread or just an isolated incident!:confused:
That’s a tight perm!!
I’d go for a much softer result... you don’t want a ‘poodle’
If they’re not used to curls it could end up looking more like a frizz....:oops:
Blues/greys.....directional wind.....;)
That’s a tight perm!!
I’d go for a much softer result... you don’t want a ‘poodle’
If they’re not used to curls it could end up looking more like a frizz....:oops:
Blues/greys.....directional wind.....;)
Thank You so much! I am actually kind of excited about doing it!:D

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