I will be signing it too as this sort of thing really grates on me.
However I won't be watching the video, I don't need to see it to know it goes on.
I watched that program "Heather Mills Mcartney vs The Fur Trade (something like that) and I sat there in tears, how people can be so cruel because of vanity is beyond me.
To think that they make fur coats out of domestic cats and dogs is disgusting. How many cats would you need too skin to make a decent sized coat?! To see those animals caged up like that and knowing what was going to happen to them is just horrible.
There was a part in the program where this really really stupid woman (for want of some better words) tried on a tiger fur coat and then sprawled herself out all over the floor of this shop, I was absolutely mortified, had that animal not gone through enough that you then had to get some silly b$%"* degrading it some more?!
Sorry to go off on one a bit but as you can guess all this sort of thing really pees me off as does the annual seal clubbing every March (again for their pelts) but I wont go into that!!
It's nice to see people supporting this as it is important.
PETA had a very nice motto for this (not sure if it's still the same)...
"Be happy in your own skin and let the animals keep theirs"