PN Chatroom - If I knew then what I know now...


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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2003
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Hola geeks!

Well, in mag terms, I'm already in 2006 and am just putting the finishing touches to the January issue. (Thanks to all those who took the time to respond to my last thread by the way - it seems you've all had a mixed year!!)

Anyway, I just wanted to get in a quick post before the mag closes to canvass a few opinions from the Geeks which I can publish in the issue.

I'd love your comments/feedback on something that you wished you'd known at the beginning of your career that would've really helped you out; or a piece of a advice somebody's given you recently that, had you known a few years ago, would have helped make things easier.

Whatever it is, please post, pm or email me with your comments, and if you want them published in the mag, please don't forget to add your full name and business name.

Ta muchly

Professional Nails

three things spring immediately to my mind....

1. if only I'd known what training options were available to me I might have made a better decision when I started out, but I suppose we all have to start somewhere.

2. this site... wow, what a difference it has made to me, we can come on here and get our queries answered by some of the top technicians. The Geek site has opened up a whole new world to me that I didn't know existed before August 2004.

3. third, but by no means last... my Nailclass book... Gigi has been in my kitchen while I cook dinner, in my lounge at 2am and even in my bedroom lol, when I first received my copy I couldn't put it down. It's been a godsend and IMO every technician, and would-be technician, should be referring to it, it's like having your own personal educator 24-7.

If I'd have known all of that back along then I think I would have been a better technician a long time ago, as it is I'm just at the beginning of my career.

Sandi White
Nails by Sandi
I wish I'd found the Nail Geek site before I even considered any training, I would have done things a whole lot differently at the start and would have saved myself a lot of money! With all the good advice that's on the site I would have got further quicker - I didn't realise how different al the training courses out there could be. Unfortunately I went for the cheapest and quickest route (so I thought) to start with! I ended up doing 3 cheap courses and hardly learning anything and I then went to the Creative Nail Academy and learnt more in 4 days than I had learnt on any of the other courses put together. Kate
The main one i wish i knew then was that there were other training schools other then Star Nails but as they where advertised in every sally's supplier shops i didnt think there was.

if i had had the training back in 99 with creative instead, I think i would be alot further in my career as Creative have the after care that is needed by training companies xxx

Lisa Middleton
Finger-Tips Nail Studio
I wish id realised that clients dont magically drop on your doorstep!!! lol.
The importance of good prep and the effect it has on lifting was not emphasised or even fully explained to me when I did my training. I really regret this.

I could have saved myself hours at infill time filling off all those dreaded lifts which often left marks. I have a lot of regular clients who stuck with me through those bad days, but quite a few who didn't come back and I am sure it is due to this.

You don't always get a second chance if the client is not totally happy, so its important in the early days to get it right if you can.

Glynis May
Glynis Nails
Rushden, Northants.
It has got to be this site!

There is that much information on The Nail Geek that no matter what your question is you will always get an answer whether it be from someone just starting out who can relate to you or one of the fabulous techs on here that have been in the business for years.

If I had found this site two years ago I wouldn't have made ALL the mistakes I have with regards to training, practice and products.

I hold the utmost respect for every single tech on this site and always will do for as long as I stay a tech.

Vicki Lowe
i wish id known that it takes more than a course to become a nail technician, i thought that once id finished thats be brilliant!! Also doesnt help that the course i did wasnt very good and everyone passed no matter wat their nails looked like and the theory was a joke. so i also wish id looked around more, done some more reserch into good educators who actually want their name associated with good technicians rather than someone who just wants your money....

...which leads me to this site, i wudn have known what i was doin wrong if it wasnt for this site, i knew something wasnt rite with my technique but i din know wat, now im still not perfect but at least i am armed with the knowledge to correct my mistakes and keep practicing and learning. thanks geeks :Love:

Wendyrose Smith, Dublin, Eire
IBD Gels
Kathryn said:
Hola geeks!

Well, in mag terms, I'm already in 2006 and am just putting the finishing touches to the January issue. (Thanks to all those who took the time to respond to my last thread by the way - it seems you've all had a mixed year!!)

Anyway, I just wanted to get in a quick post before the mag closes to canvass a few opinions from the Geeks which I can publish in the issue.

I'd love your comments/feedback on something that you wished you'd known at the beginning of your career that would've really helped you out; or a piece of a advice somebody's given you recently that, had you known a few years ago, would have helped make things easier.

Whatever it is, please post, pm or email me with your comments, and if you want them published in the mag, please don't forget to add your full name and business name.

Ta muchly

Professional Nails


hey kat

one thing i would say doing nails is to not always think what the customer likes is the the way you always like it! I have made alot of mistakes whilst learning and definatley talk to the client before fist in depth because it is not nice when you get something down you dont just let yourself dow you let your salon or practice down too!!

Another thing that may be worth mentioning is nail geeks!!! this has helped me hugley!!!!!! a big thanks to everyone out there that has helped me!! ally pally xxxx
I have today sent 4 private messages to those who have NOT read this part of Kathryn's post ....

"Whatever it is, please post, pm or email me with your comments, and if you want them published in the mag, please don't forget to add your full name and business name."

You are all so keen to reply you are forgetting to do this.

Just go to your post and click EDIT and add the information or Kathryn will not print your views. Name (real name) and Business details.

It's got be the training.

People need educating that there are some very nasty sharks out there willing to take your cash & give you no real training at all.

Having been to 'Sharks Nail Training School' in Oct 2003, i had no concept of the damage i caused!

When I found the industry mags, i had an idea what was right & what was wrong! Then I discovered because of the mags 'The Nail Geek'.

And this site has been a godsend. The talent & help, advice & great knowledge of all the great people on this site has helped me keep motivated, corrected bad, bad problems i did not even know were problems. Taught me a helluva lot, now I can happily say i do good nails! Even better when I've done my Creative Course in Jan 2006.

Make sure the training is the very best you can afford!

Bev Rose, Mobile Nail Tech
Nails at Home,
when i became interested in nails and found i had passed my essential nails course i went out the very same day and spent a fortune in a local beauty wholesalers on substandard and cheap nail products i used these and the outcome the nail enhancemnets that i did where shocking and i thought i was absolutely rubbish, until i spent money on a more expensive product and the difference was instant.i then went on to further training with them and have been a happier nail technician scince....
so i wish i knew that you get what you pay for and that includes products and nail services.
joanne rowsell
"nails by jo"
southport merseyside
I thought my course was one of the better ones out there because it offered nvq and other qualifications.It really is a money spinning business to some of these places.If I knew then what I know now I would of done things differently.
I would have done my training with Creative or another reputable company,after having seen all the reviews on the nail geek website, which has also been a fantastic source of information by people who really care.I would of come here first.
Ilja Harvey
Images Nail and Beauty
Middleton Cheney
I wish I had the knowledge to choose a different college to do my VTCT in manicure and pedicure - tutor was awful, did not feel I learnt much apart from the procedure of a manicure and pedicure, ie skin conditions, contra indications and so on.

realising how much competition is out there for clients, I guess I would have practised harder to get my procedures right and spot on so I was ultra confident to advertise straight away once qualified. ( I am practising like hell now and put my advertising on hold until I am bloody good!)

Louise Hartje
mobile nail technician
Orton Southgate
I wish I had have been aware of all the different educational courses around. I spent a lot of money completing a course that looking back, was a waste of time! I also had to buy a whole kit of a brand I never would use now.

Sam xx
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