Rant alert-insensitive clients


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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
Reaction score
Port shepstone, South Africa
Today was meant to be a half day as I had a mountain of paperwork stocktake orders to do but one of my clients who has 5kids and I always feel sorry for the women who have little time to do anything for themselves so I say yes sure come in even though I am off I’ll make a plan.
Firstly she comes 15min late - no apology’s
Secondly arrived with her 1 year old toddler who in the space of 10minutes has pulled off the lid on one of the retail cleaning items I have stocked . Plus re arranged my magazine stand all over the floor which is fine I understand kids are kids . - but the mom doing nothing is what chipped me off!

Pouring the contents and the mother does nothing ! She tells ME to “just pick him up and bring him to me and you want to mop that up so he doesn’t slip”
What the F”@& I want to scream.
Firstly it’s FOAMING industrial household cleanser so adding water will make my salon floor turn into a nightclub foam party!!!

So she says well then use towels , I’m sure I’ll use my newly laundered towels to mop up half my salon while you sit there !
And don’t help at all. Then proceed to undress your child and expect me to finish your waxing (that is full body waxing ppl not exactly a quick or easy job). So now she can’t turn over cos she has to hold her baby making my job even more difficult as he is wriggling out of her grasp every few mins.
And sticking his foot or hand into the wax and she complains she has wax on her body “but didn’t you already finish the arm isn’t ?”
Yes I did but your kid decided to start job shadowing early and helped !!
So now I have to wipe down this kids feet and hands and mother saying hope that won’t burn , no it’s baby oil it won’t burn!

So I charged her for the item he emptied over my floor and the mother didn’t even apologize she laughed and said oh well it’s a free gym workout for you.

I hate my job sometimes like today ! What I would not do to scream or stab her with a plastic fork I can’t tell you.
But no we have to smile and pretend it’s ok.

So the rest of my half day was spent wringing it towels (I have wrist issues so this is very painful for me to do, and I don’t have a cleaner or staff to clean for me ) and now to get the salon ready for my busy afternoon filled client schedule !

So now my good deed is no longer a thing it’s gone!
I didn’t finish salon orders and thus I had to work another hour after usual salon times to finish stock take and I didnt go to gym .

All because I felt sorry for her and shame it only an hour app. That’s the last blinking time I’m ever going out my way for these ppl!

I’m was really angry I ate 3 creams eggs when I got home and 2 coffees which didn’t help much.
Omg this is a night mare! Do you have a no children rule with certain appts?

You earned the cream eggs .....and gin.....and wine.....and more chocolate [emoji23]
That's awful! It stings so much more when you've done them a favour and they just take it for granted. One more day to go before the weekend, keep plodding on, nearly there.

3 cream eggs!!! Urrgghh, I can feel my teeth disolving in the sugar...way too sweet for me LOL xx
What an absolute nightmare, cream eggs were well deserved.
Clients don't appreciate favours, they just assume you sit at home twiddling your thumbs hoping that someone pops in for a treatment and therefore they are doing you a favour :mad:
The trouble is, they just arrive with kids in tow and say " oh sorry, my husband wasn't back in time to look after them...I hope you don't mind" I then spend the appointment constantly watching their every move and getting stressed.

I agree - parents that say nothing to address their kids behaviour drives me up the wall! Something we have always found on holiday when with our kids on the playgrounds (but that's another long rant).
If they are in my treatment room and the mum does nothing I just take over and tell them off proper.
It's the lightfingeredness of some of these littl'uns you have to watch!:(
Thank you [emoji4] ladies .
Yep well I have learnt the hard way, no more favors!
In all my years I always kick myself for helping those who put you out of hours etc and don’t respect your time.

I should have known as this client cancelled a sat app last minute 2 week ends ago with no excuse she just said oh I’m not gonna make it .
But the super rich think they can treat us like servants I guess who knows !
We had similar problems with bringing kids to the salon for nail appointments, massage and waxing its not that we don't like children but as you found its a hazard and dangerous plus takes you much longer to do the treatment. We politely put up a notice and added a notice to the monthly newsletter politely asking parents to not bring children to specific treatments or treatments over a certain time frame as our insurance doesn't cover minors who aren't in for a service themselves and for health and safety. This worked well so maybe something you could start.
Plus don't let people like this get you down just learn from it for the future :)
I have never let kids in my salon. When I first bought it it had a huge number of a particular group whose children were vile. Within a week I had banned all kids ! My clients now love it as there’s peace !

(Edited to remove ethnicity)
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I have never let kids in my salon. When I first bought it it had a huge number of a particular group whose children were vile. Within a week I had banned all kids ! My clients now love it as there’s peace !
Good for you and your kids!
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Thank you [emoji4] ladies .
Yep well I have learnt the hard way, no more favors!
In all my years I always kick myself for helping those who put you out of hours etc and don’t respect your time.

I should have known as this client cancelled a sat app last minute 2 week ends ago with no excuse she just said oh I’m not gonna make it .
But the super rich think they can treat us like servants I guess who knows !

I don’t do favours any more. If ppl respect you, your business and your time they won’t ask and won’t let you. Every single time I’ve worked on my day off, stayed late, let them bring the dog because they have builders in, it’s me that suffers. I rarely used to even get a thank you for doing it. And the majority of these clients didn’t even stay loyal. Lesson learnt.
I had exactly the same thing, so I decided to post on my Facebook business Page this, worked a treat:

No Children and Babies Policy

Whilst I love babies and children, I have been lead to this decision after a few incidents, health and safety reason and due to the nature of my business, I would like to ask my clients to please not bring their little ones and arrange childcare.
Your little one might be well behaved or too young to move and touch anything, it’s still not suitable for them, my job involves: hot waxes (which I could spill on them), use of chemicals, sharp tools etc
Failing this I risk losing my license so I appreciate your understanding.
I’m sorry but there won’t be exceptions, Its the same rule to everyone, apologies if this offends anyone.
Thank you”

We have a no kids rule in treatment rooms. We now turn away clients that bring kids, cos they'll just bring them again. Every time we flex on this - there's a problem. My own adored grandchild can't resist interesting pump dispensing bottles and as we discovered ...surgical spirit burns toddler skin.

We had one well behaved toddler sitting on a chair and all the poor child did was get off the chair - but she took down a lamp, which smashed the lightbulb, leaving poor therapist to deal with a toddler surrounded by broken glass and hysterical half naked and knickerless screaming mother trying to scoop up her child in bare feet...

Then there was the interested 6 year old work experience kid who hot waxed her Dad's feet and toes whilst I stripwaxed his back without anyone noticing because she was so tiny we couldn't see what she was up to (forgot there was a hot wax heater on the lower shelf of my trolley.)

My favourite of all time? The one that helpfully scooped up all the used wax strips and used hot wax and popped them tidily in Mummy's posh leather handbag, because obs you wouldn't want Mummy's nasty hair left in the lovely salon would you.

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