There's an episode of Derren Brown where this is demonstrated perfectly. We all know that we only actively use 20% of our brains, but that we are also aware of a great deal of things without even knowing it, this is how some people can claim to be psychic or to be able to transfer psychic powers to people, they merely know how to unlock this subconscious information within you.
One of these things that we are subconsciously aware of is what time it is. It's more common than you think to wake up 5 minutes before your alarm goes off, because you are subconsciously aware of the time all the time.
If there is something drawing you to a particular time, or even if you've spotted the same time a couple of times by way of coincidence and are now consciously aware of it, subconsciously you may look out for that time on the clock. Also, this would heighten your awareness of the same number appearing in other ways such as on parking tickets.
I cant remember the episode, and I'm pants at adding links, but have a go on youtube and look for the Derren Brown experiment on time. He did this test with a horologist if that helps the search at all!
Edited: I just did a Youtube search for the clip which doesnt seem to be there, so here's a summary of the experiment I found on Google:
DB talks about the efficacy of body clocks, and introduces a horologist who then checks the room does not contain any time pieces. The horologist takes off his watch and clasps it in his hand, and DB is able to detect the vibration of the second hand reaching 12; DB then explains there is no vibration and it was merely a parlour trick in which he looked at the watch, noted the position of the second hand, and then counted the seconds until it reached 12. The horologist then picks a time between two and five minutes, which DB is able to measure to within a second without using a time piece. DB then asks for a period of time between one and three hours to repeat the measurement; the horologist has brought a book to help pass the time at which DB looks briefly [the clip stops to be completed after the next effect giving a sense of the time passing]
(Basically in the later clip in the programme, Derren is able to pinpoint the longer time, everyones amazed etc, but it really does demonstrate the subconscious body clock really well.)