Semi permanent lash allergy?


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May 13, 2013
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So my client seems to have a reaction everytime we put semi permanent lashes on. Hayfever and cold like symptoms. Symptoms don't ease after taking antihistamines. We've tried sensitive lash glue and that has the same effect.
Can anyone tell me if they have come across this before?
Is it an allergy to the glue? Lashes? Gel pads? I'm baffled! Surely if it was an allergy the antihistamines would ease the symptoms?
Obviously, it could be caused by anything she's used recently, but it's most likely the glue that she's become sensitive to. Have you removed the lashes now?

An allergic reaction can happen at any point and doesn't always appear on the body where the product is applied. If antihistamines are not helping reduce the effects, it might suggest that the reaction is becoming a lot more severe. Has she experienced these symptoms previously and ignored them?

If so, she needs to completely stop using these products. She'll probably find that she has become sensitised to other similar products (containing the same basic ingredient) such as nail enhancements too.

Ask her to remove all artificial enhancements to see if the symptoms clear. Once completely cleared, she could then try applying a tiny amount of the suspect product as a patch test to see if there's any reaction within 48 hours.

Also, when I became allergic to a substance used in nail enhancements, my consultant advised that it's fairly common to experience a minor reaction for the first few occasions but it can become extremely severe quite quickly. I developed breathing difficulties and it was very scary at the time.
I have this, and I get unusual headaches with it too. It happened so gradually I barely noticed.

I don't think its the fumes at all as I was always well ventilated and wore a mask. I stopped doing lashes as I couldn't concentrate with snot and tears and headache. It was so bad that I had to have an MRI to check it wasn't something sinister causing it.

It got worse and worse until I clicked that it started getting better when I stopped doing lashes and getting worse when I started doing them. I don't get a rash or anything.

I would really avoid continuing with your client as if she's shown reactions like this it might be a real nightmare if it gets worse and if she ended up claiming as your insurer might not cover you.

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