Shellac removal


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Although I think the cnd wraps look good, I found them a nightmare to apply to myself. They weren't very secure, dried out quickly, and so took longer than they should to work. :irked:

I'm afraid I've gone back to my easy soak bowl, but have got some magi wraps to use. Although I bought the toe ones, I was amazed at how tiny they all appear and nowhere big enough for the larger toes. Haven't tried them yet, though, but might give them a go on fingers.

Deena - I know what you mean, I tend to use a finger magis foil wrap for the big toe, then the toe wraps for the other 8 toes hth :)

I sell the Shellac wraps for £5.00 and include a small bottle of acetone.
Jen xx

Jen - Where do you buy your small bottles of acetone from? How many mls are they? How much do you sell them for? I have looked around for these but had no luck :irked:

I use the Magis gel wraps for removal in the salon as they're MUCH cheaper and they do the job as well as, if not better than, the shellac ones. I also sell the shellac ones for home removal, as well as the D Solve (that is when S2 have it in stock - grrr)

Keeping your costs down is VERY important!

Lynne - How much do you sell your removal packs & D Solve for? :)
What is everyone using for removing Shellac? CND Shellac wraps or Magis? I dont know which to go with any opinions to which is best??:hug:

Many are buying Magis for obvious reasons... they work and are cheaper but... many are also buying the CND Remover Wraps to retail as a little package with Acetone for around £9.95... just a thought!

Ah, Magis wraps & Shellac wraps are from the same place then, when it was mentioned that you can buy a box of 500 Magis wraps I assumed it was from somewhere else, not S2. Many thanks
I really prefer the Magis wraps. I ran out of Shellac wraps and gave a few clients some Magis wraps. They prefer them too. The Shellac remover wraps in the pack obviously looks more professional but the smacks are easier to apply on yourself.
Emma I use my old 2oz scrub fresh bottles and decant a small amount of acetone into them. they are the perfect size and like sam said I sell the both for 9.95 if they run out of acetone then they come back for a top up at £4.95.
Jen xxx
Any chance CND (S2) are going to be doing small retail bottles of D Solve. to give to clients.
ie 25ml or 50ml (enough for just one removal.)

I think smaller bottles will be better to sell them each time rather than one bigger bottle as it keeps them needing to come back to buy more.(more profit for us)

It seems a lot of people are decanting into smaller bottles anyway & it would look more professional in a cute little CND (S2) bottles.
Any chance S2 are going to be doing small retail bottles of D Solve. to give to clients.
ie 25ml or 50ml (enough for just one removal)?

I think smaller bottles will be better to sell them each time rather than one bigger bottle as it keeps them needing to come back to buy more.(more profit for us)

It seems a lot of people are decanting into smaller bottles anyway & it would look more professional in a cute little S2 bottle.

Read and acknowledged - I think it might be a good idea too. Let's get more feedback...
Excellent idea.
I'd love to see S2 sell smaller retail bottles of dsolve, I've managed to find some small solvent safe bottles online and was planning on decanting and labelling so I could sell individual removal packs....but it would be so mch less hassle and look so much more professional if we could get say a 10 pack of 50ml bottles. xx
However, there ARE environmental issues to be considered, are there not?
And one of my suppliers was telling me about the (no doubt ridiculous) H & S regs about the refilling of bottles.
I think a small initial retail bottle would be great. We could then fill it for clients from the bigger 1 litre bottles at a later date.
small bottles of dsolve would be fab to go with the remover wraps, would look so much more professional x
I think a small initial retail bottle would be great. We could then fill it for clients from the bigger 1 litre bottles at a later date.

Even better idea more Eco frendly.x
I too think this would be a fantastic idea, & agree it would look more professional too.
Would also be good if CND did a complete removal kit too (with maybe a mini solar oil included) would look good altogether x
Completely changing the topic back from smaller bottles (which I happen to think is a great idea by the way), but can I ask a quick question about Shellac removal?

Although I haven't bought either of the Magis or Shellac wraps, I tried to remove Shellac from my fingers a couple of weeks ago and didn't succeed very well. I used acetone soaked pads wrapped in kitchen foil and left them for over 10 mins. When I went to remove they had hardly budged, wouldn't flake/peel off so I reverted back to my soak off bowl and pushing with a birchwood stick. All in all removal took me over half an hour.

What am I doing wrong? Do I really need either Magis/Shellac wraps while I'm still setting up?
I know this is a bit of an obvious one, but are you using the Shellac lamp?

Are you curing the base for 10 seconds and not longer, as if you cure for longer it can take longer to soak.

Also, make sure to apply thin layers of Shellac ... honestly, it really does soak in 10 minutes or less.

I use magis gel find them much easier to use but I do think the cnd ones look much better x
I know this is a bit of an obvious one, but are you using the Shellac lamp?

Are you curing the base for 10 seconds and not longer, as if you cure for longer it can take longer to soak.

Also, make sure to apply thin layers of Shellac ... honestly, it really does soak in 10 minutes or less.


Yep, I'm using the CND Shellac lamp and I'm making sure to only cure the base coat for 10 secs. Will work on my layers incase this is the problem, thanks.
Yep, I'm using the CND Shellac lamp and I'm making sure to only cure the base coat for 10 secs. Will work on my layers incase this is the problem, thanks.

I'd say that's all it is then, you might just be applying it a bit too thick, you have to go really thin with Shellac... thin to win and all that :)
Completely changing the topic back from smaller bottles (which I happen to think is a great idea by the way), but can I ask a quick question about Shellac removal?

Although I haven't bought either of the Magis or Shellac wraps, I tried to remove Shellac from my fingers a couple of weeks ago and didn't succeed very well. I used acetone soaked pads wrapped in kitchen foil and left them for over 10 mins. When I went to remove they had hardly budged, wouldn't flake/peel off so I reverted back to my soak off bowl and pushing with a birchwood stick. All in all removal took me over half an hour.

What am I doing wrong? Do I really need either Magis/Shellac wraps while I'm still setting up?

Did you put your hand in towel to warm them whilst wraps were on? I found the shellac a bit stubborn when I didn't put hands in towel.

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