Well-Known Member
My sister has been at the hospital a lot recently with my niece and on speaking to the paediatric doctor about colic and what she was using etc he stated that a colicky baby is a baby which they cannot identify why they cry. They cry more than other babies and they do not know why and are given the term colic - it is not a medical condition and certainly nothing that could be treated according to him as what would you be treating when no-one knows what causes it. He said that they normally grow out of this at about 4 months - my niece is 3 and a half months now. Just a worry that they retail all these drops, dr brown bottles etc for colic and people buy them thinking that they will benefit from using them.
Just wanted to add this as I see people have been talking about it. xx
Id like to sit down and have a chat with that dr and tell him he's talking crap,