How GORGEOUS are they!!!!!
i love these dogs....and would love to have one but my garden isnt really big enough an with work and everything the house can be left empty sometimes all day so i just dont think that its fair. My nan bred dogs all her life and quite often was a judge at crufts.
I dont think i am quite fit enough for this type of dog though....i read that they need ALOT of excersize due to their breed and nature.
I still love them though......I am not really into tiny minature breeds though, lol!
Well our garden isn't huge either, about 40ft square? but then there is the 12ft trampolene, shed, dog run etc etc... I work mornings and then evenings tanning, but normally home afternoons and hubby is normally home by the time i'm out tanning so its not tooo bad, would love to be here all day though!
Jester was at Crufts last year, qualified for next year on the day :green: I am no where near fit! about 4 stone overweight
:o must shift some of that because it'll be me showing Muffin!! cant be running around the show ring as I am
and you do have to run with these lol.
We work them in the winter, they go to rallies at various forests, Thetford, New Forest etc and they run on a wheeled rig, its fun but i'm not fit enough for that so hubby does it. We keep asking ourselves if we've lost the plot when we are up at 4am and its thick frost and we are off to a forest somewhere miles away lol, but the dogs love it and its a good social gathering... they really are a change of your whole lifestyle, not just a pet, well, not for us anyway :lol:
Here is Jester and our friends dog at a rally last season
here he is as an 8 week old puppy, he won a place in the Malamute calander with this pic, he was January, awwwww.....
best puppy in show at a local open show when he was a baby
sorry to hijack the thread!!