Monomer produces vapour not fumes,i personally would question this source of information as it is very misleading and uniformed. hth's
The source of the info is Health and Safety Executive ....... hse. You have missed the point of the thread.
Monomer produces vapour not fumes,i personally would question this source of information as it is very misleading and uniformed. hth's
I would like say Im very suprised at the comments posted in relation to this thread. This forum is for professionals working within the beauty industry etc yet most of you just thought that I, as the person in question who is suffering headaches as a result of the application of acrylic nails, was just whinging and moaning. Some of you preferred to bitch rather than add constuctive advice. This doesn't strike me as professional behaviour.
Please refer to SR13 COSHH Essentials for Service and
Rretail which states that "Acrylic fumes can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea and irritation" It also states that "good practice" includes "control of odour". It advises that an extraction hood or draught table must be provided.
As the owner of the salon in question I know that my customers have complained of the fumes. I have mentioned this in passing because I have to make the salon comfortable for everyone, customers, staff and tennants alike.
I have supplied an extractor fan and asked for the door to be closed, something which I don't think is unreasonable.
Prior to reading this post I have also offered to have an external outlet extractor fan fitted in a bigger room, which will cost me time and money.
So before you use this forum to bitch maybe spare a thought to the fact that there are always two sides to every story. Some salon owners are actually on your side and go out of the way to accomodate where they can.
this may be a subject for a new thread but i'm wondering if men are more susceptible to the smell of monomer than women?
lots of you have mentioned husbands/fathers etc not liking the smell. i can add to that with my step-dad, he makes a massive fuss whenever i do nails (even if it's just painting them).
wondered if it's a man thing that the smell bothers them more or just a coincidence!?!
Monomer doesn't give off fumes, it has odour and vapour :wink2:Hiya everyone
I am currently learning to do acrylic nails at home with essential nails. Everytime I get my monomer out the whole house reaks of the stuff!!!! I was worried because I havetwo small children one being only 6 months. I found a gadget in boots called the JML fresh air globe. It extracts fumes and is nice to look at as its a colour changing globe.
i rekon she is just one for whinging,
call me weird but i love the smell of monomer lol
tracy x