hmmmmm, I think I need to get a few points across here with the risk of annoying a few people here.
But have annoyed people on Salongeek in the past and I am still living!!:hug:
The original post was just 'put out' there and I asked for some feedback, I
never asked for solutions 'cause I am a big girl and know that no-one else can change a person's life or that person's perception of their life....
What I have been involved in for quite a large part of my adult
life has been NAILS.
Not just any old job... No, pure and utter lust for NAILS. I breathed and drank and dreamed NAILS.
My love for the business meant that I wanted to get as many girls involved in this fantastic business as well...I also got my daughter involved (kids nail art) and part of the reasoning behind me in business was that I could leave something for her to get involved with as well, or at least leave a valuable venture behind as a kind of legacy thing. So this has
felt like I let her down as well. I am not saying that that was a valid point, it just felt the way it felt.... And I think you have to be a parent to
truly understand how that feels....
I was going to give examples about racial abuse, salon owners screaming at me about an order wrongly quoted at their end but that doesn't solve anything and I would have to go into many details. The fact that those idiot behaved like that tells me more about them than about me and I think I can be proud of myself for not stooping down to their level!
What hurt me is that I was at the birth of this brand new (to the UK) brand and i did my very, very best to get it out there. I did everything in my power to promote the brand and in the end the 'brains' behind the brand have let me as far as I am concerned down. And that hurts...if my former colleagues are still happy with them, then I wish them all the best and I am still in contact with a few of them.
So to say that I have been disappointed with a job and a few people is the understatement of the year....I have been let down by this particular company and I was flogging it just as I would a brand that I had developed myself....and it felt like my baby....and that makes it personal.
One of my things is loyalty, sometimes loyalty to a fault....and should have let them go years earlier.
But again, I am getting into details and am winding myself up here...and am starting to feel defensive.
Deep breath....
Ok, to put it simply (and as I have said in a few posts before, but which are not necessarily read by everyone posting a reply) over the last few days things HAVE changed.
Last week there wasn't even a question of me EVER returning to the nail business and as Gigi said, the getting out when I did was probably the best thing for me at that time,
I needed as they say in the war movies: to re-group...
As one of you said, if the rest of your life is going down the tube-anything that happens professionally will hit you harder, of course it does-especially since that professional life had been a big 'constant' in my life and suddenly everything (as we say in Dutch) had the screws loose!!!
The original post was my way of saying: '
'hey guys, I am still here, I have been through some traumatic stuff, give me a mental hand here....''
And as usual most of you have taken it that way, and a few out there will read what I wrote and get the wrong end of the stick....
People thinking that (and this is not directed into anyones direction specifically) I basically need to kick myself under my butt are not really being helpful! I just wanted some feedback from like minded peeps...
And when I return to the business it will be with a whole lot of extra understanding, it will stand me stronger for future complications and it has also made me determined to-from now on-aim for the very best or not go there at all.....
I won't settle for second best....if that means getting my Cisco qualifications (all funded, so the job isn't THAT bad!!) and becoming a computer nerd-then so be it, at least I will be the one with the hot nails!!!
So please, don't lose the plot, all be happy and think happy thoughts....:Love: