Hi gillian w,
The workbook I was given is the Carltons own instruction Manuel. 18 pages long pages 15 to 16 has 9 questions on it that was supposed to be our main test. pages 17 has a list of things we were supposed to cover but were told to tick it off any way. Page 18 tells us to get an NVQ with the Carlton. The main body of the workbook pages 2 to 14 is very very very basic 3 of those pages have only a few lines. I wish I could scan and copy it on to show you but I am not all that good with computers. I was sent the anatomy and physiology of the body it states in the download that we only read the few pages that refer to the nail but again none of this was covered in the course. The workbook was rushed through. I feel awful because she was so nice but I don't want nice I want to be taught properly.
Doesn't sound very good then.Eventually you can do a conversion with Ezflow at one of their centres which by the sound of it you are going to have to do to be able to buy their products if its what you want to use.
If a conversion is still the same as when i did it you buy an extremely generous kit, all full sizes and brush, files ,solutions etc and your training is not much at all sometimes they do free training with the kit.
In the meantime i would get yourself a very good book if you do a search on here there are some favourites and look at the tutorials on here to.