Staff and phones!


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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Wild West
Hi there,

I employ 4 staff, I have problems with my full timer always being on the phone inbetween clients?! How do I manage this. The said individual has worked for me for 3 years. I try and run a relaxed environment but I feel this is taking the piss?! I have staff meetings but not wanting to mention it in front of others as it's pretty obvious who it's aimed at?

And on the other hand I don't know if I am confident enough to approach this individually. I had a yearly appraisal and it went well. She is my best staff member but starting to get very moany also. Do you think I helped her Perdue other avenues?!

Any way on how to word situation would be helpful!

I have read a few threads about staff handbooks! Which I don't have currently. Should this be the way forward?
Yes, you need a staff handbook where you can include a policy covering acceptable phone usage. Well written Staff handbooks are an excellent tool for management purposes and makes life easier for both employers and employees.

I'm wondering why you didn't mention it when holding her annual appraisal? It would have been an ideal opportunity to raise it and then move on to something positive afterwards.
Please don't be one of those ineffective managers that insist on using staff meetings as an avoidance tactic. It never really works.

In the meantime, you need to deal with this directly and not ignore it as others will either copy her and/or lose respect for you as the manager. Take her to one side and tell her that you've noticed that she's using her phone whilst at work on an increasingly regular basis. In future, she must only use it during her break times (lunch/tea break) and never in front of clients. Be very firm and clear about your expectations.

You can then raise it as a general policy in a staff meeting at a later date.
I think when it comes to
phones and employed staff you just have to be straight and lay down the rule for everyone including yourself.
They should only be able to use their phone in their breaks and not in front of clients.

I installed individual lockable lockers when I had staff.
This then avoids them saying they are worried that their phone 'won't be safe' if it's not in their pocket blah blah.
All valuables such as handbags, keys, phones etc should be locked away when you arrive for work.
This way they can't be checking their Facebook every two seconds...!

That's my thinking anyway

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