do you allow your staff to do paying clients at home? Also how do you feel about staff posting salon work on their own personal social media? I have a bad feeling about a member of staff using salon pictures to build her own portfolio
The last salon I worked in had no problem with me doing my own clients on the side as I live 30 mins from the salon, i recently just started at a new salon (again 30 mins in the other direction from my house) but Im no longer allowed to do clients at home as its competition for the salon. It was heart breaking because I'd spent so long building it up only to have to throw it all away. My prices were lower than the salon (salon is high end) and the clients I had wouldn't be willing to pay the salon price anyway especially with it being 30 mins away but I sucked it up because I love the job and wanted to work there.
What I'm saying is at the end of the day its your business, if you're not happy with it then tell her it needs to stop. If she wants to keep her job she'll just have to get over it.
You can add a client clourse and it does stand in court
do you allow your staff to do paying clients at home? Also how do you feel about staff posting salon work on their own personal social media? I have a bad feeling about a member of staff using salon pictures to build her own portfolio