State Board?


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Active Member
Jan 18, 2016
Reaction score
Atlanta, ga
After two long years I am finally going to take my state board. I have pushed it off and off. I was intimidated. Any tips or advice? How long do you think I should study? I am ready and starting preparations for it tonight. Advice, comments, concerns thanks Ladies
What does your state board exam consist of; written, practical or both?
In the Oklahoma State Board Test, they really stress sanitation and setup. I was unfortunate that my exam monitor/grader literally sat beside me the whole time instead of circulating the room of people (it was just me and one other woman taking the test because no one else showed up). I proudly passed with flying colors :)

Study everything, but especially the nail diseases for the test, and sanitation. I really feel like sanitation is stressed greatly! All the steps, what to do, what not to do, etc.

Good luck! Keep me posted!
Take your time and do the best job you can for your practical. I was the last one done at mine and I was so worried that I wouldn't pass because I took so long.

I did pass! I took my time was very conscious about sanitation. IF you make a mistake, it's important you know how to rectify it...not being perfect at the exam.

Try doing a google search of written cosmetology exam examples. That should give you an idea of what could be on the written exam.

Best of luck! :)

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