Swine flu vaccine


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I find the idea of the government wanting to mass vaccinate the population against a mild poorliness a bit sinister personally. So no, I wont have it. Thankfully the persian furbabies cant get swine flu.
The idea of the government making people take it is very scary, Persianista.

It's sad there have been people that have died from it, but there hasn't been that many to justify getting everyone in an uproar about it.

We need to wash our hands more often and use hand sanitizer. We need to be conscious of not touching our faces, noses, ears, before washing our hands.
Thanks, it's a tricky one isn't it? I know that Sonia has reacted badly to flu vaccines in the past, and doesn't want the vaccine accordingly; ironically her carer already had the swine flu (after coming back from holiday in the States a few months ago), so Sonia certainly wouldn't catch it from her.

Another potential issue is the use of thiomersal (a preservative containing mercury) in vaccines, Thiomersal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Thiomersal controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These products are NOT used in modern vaccinations. I am a mega science geek too and keep abreast of modern medicine. These are scare tactics used by the anti-vac brigade primarily in America. Don't always trust wiki for your facts as it is edited by anyone who wishes too.

I also see someone made a comment about a link to autism and vaccines. There is absolutely no evidence to support vaccines causing autism. In fact the original report made by Dr Wakefield to support these claims was found to be fraudulent and he was imprisioned. This is another scare tactic by the anti-vac groups.

I am very much pro- vaccination. A lot of science, hardwork and money goes into providing vaccines and 'vaccine injury' is very small in comparision to the lives they save. Herd immunty is dropping and becoming a serious threat now: It needs to be around 85% and we are hovering close to that now in this country and in some places, like Wales, it is as low as 65%. With herd immunity dropping we are seeing an increase in the childhood illness that we thought had gone. A client recently told me her son had, had mumps! With children not being vaccinated these illnesses grow and mutate and then infect the vaccinated and once that happens all hell will break loose.

Immunisation - Science - Herd immunity - animation

I am now into my 3rd week of recovering from swine flu. It is awful. I have no underlying health conditions but honestly thought I was going to stop breathing from the respiratory side of it. So yes, my family and I will be vaccinated against swine flu.:green:
My eldest daughter has just had her 2nd cervical cancer ***.
A girl died today after having this *** and there have been reports of illnesses.
She has her 3rd *** next February and i'm now wondering whether to let her have it or not.
I think i will not lot my younger daughter have it now.
We just assume that the medical profession do things for our own good but if they are not armed with all the information then it becomes a game of chance-with our lives!
I think a lot more research is required for these vaccines.

The girl who died had an underlying health condition, tumor in her chest, which was a ticking timebomb. This is a typical media reaction confusing correlation and causation. The amount of research is huge that goes into vaccines. They don't just wake up one day and decide to mix a load of chemicals together! And they continue to study and tweak them, it is all carefully monitored. The statistics show your daughter (or anybodies) is more likely to die from cervical cancer than this vaccine.
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I find the idea of the government wanting to mass vaccinate the population against a mild poorliness a bit sinister personally. So no, I wont have it. Thankfully the persian furbabies cant get swine flu.

Swine flu is not mild poorliness. I have been ill for 3 weeks and am otherwise healthy. How can it be sinister that the government wants to protect the population? It's not the X-files! :green:
Hi all,
i'm going through my pre winter cold at the moment but decided just now to visit my doc so i can at least confirm its only a cold (to relax people around me). I know how i got it too, out partying without a coat followed by shower, soaking hair and fell asleep with window wide open.

I wont be having a vaccine though, for some reason or another i was the only one of my siblings that never got any injections for anything. They all got every childhood sickness, i used to sleep beside my sister even when she had awful chicken pox i got what i'd call a rash but that was it.

maybe i just have a very strong immune system but i'd prefer not to mess with my luck so far by introducing chemicals to my body
Swine flu is not mild poorliness. I have been ill for 3 weeks and am otherwise healthy. How can it be sinister that the government wants to protect the population? It's not the X-files! :green:

No and of course they never get things wrong.
These products are NOT used in modern vaccinations. I am a mega science geek too and keep abreast of modern medicine. These are scare tactics used by the anti-vac brigade primarily in America. Don't always trust wiki for your facts as it is edited by anyone who wishes too.

I also see someone made a comment about a link to autism and vaccines. There is absolutely no evidence to support vaccines causing autism. In fact the original report made by Dr Wakefield to support these claims was found to be fraudulent and he was imprisioned. This is another scare tactic by the anti-vac groups.

I am very much pro- vaccination. A lot of science, hardwork and money goes into providing vaccines and 'vaccine injury' is very small in comparision to the lives they save. Herd immunty is dropping and becoming a serious threat now: It needs to be around 85% and we are hovering close to that now in this country and in some places, like Wales, it is as low as 65%. With herd immunity dropping we are seeing an increase in the childhood illness that we thought had gone. A client recently told me her son had, had mumps! With children not being vaccinated these illnesses grow and mutate and then infect the vaccinated and once that happens all hell will break loose.

Immunisation - Science - Herd immunity - animation

I am now into my 3rd week of recovering from swine flu. It is awful. I have no underlying health conditions but honestly thought I was going to stop breathing from the respiratory side of it. So yes, my family and I will be vaccinated against swine flu.:green:

If you have already had swine flu, why would you have the vaccination as surely your now immune?
The girl who died had an underlying health condition, tumor in her chest, which was a ticking timebomb. This is a typical media reaction confusing correlation and causation. The amount of research is huge that goes into vaccines. They don't just wake up one day and decide to mix a load of chemicals together! And they continue to study and tweak them, it is all carefully monitored. The statistics show your daughter (or anybodies) is more likely to die from cervical cancer than this vaccine.

It is far better to educate these girls on Safe Sex than shoving a *** in there arm and then making them think they are now immune....

What about syphalis, Aids, the Clap and teenage pregnancy all that are prevalant and not vaccinated against.

Cervical cancer affects a small proportion of the population - screening can detect and save lives. Surely the message given here is wrong.

My daughters won't be having it - they will be taught about the ways to protect themselves. If this *** cured all cancers then fair enough but its one small proportion that can be picked up by regular blood screening and cervical smears. Its all just a major cost cutting exercise in my mind.

No and of course they never get things wrong.

errr exactly - look at the Millenium Dome, CJD & Area 51 to name a few lol :eek:!

Whether we all agree or not on whats right/wrong we should be given the facts so we can make our own decisions. I really don't know who to trust. The problem with the internet is its like wildfire. Only one person has to start a spark and the whole thing goes crazy. Look at what happened when Michael Jackson Died. Not only did the entire world know about it in minutes and every single facebook status changed but also rumours other actors had also died spread around so that no one in the end actually knew the truth until the days following when the managers spoke out.

But then I don't trust the government either. They tell you on a need to know basis. Like telling a child about something bad thats happened - we gloss over the facts trying to make it look all shiney and pretty.

We have to gather the facts we can find be them true or false and make our own interpretation of whats right. Of course there is risk. There is risk crossing the road, having a bath or flying - we still do it - because we know the dangers. The government would save much time and money coming out and being honest than trying to gloss up the facts.

Of course they want us protected from swine flu. Do you know how many billions the economy will lose with staff off sick, school closures, additional hospital staff to cope with workload and the pharmaceuticals.

I have seen 'I am legend' scares the poop out of me lol! At least we now know the dangers and risks of having swine flu - as they say better the devil you know!'
It is far better to educate these girls on Safe Sex than shoving a *** in there arm and then making them think they are now immune....

What about syphalis, Aids, the Clap and teenage pregnancy all that are prevalant and not vaccinated against.

Cervical cancer affects a small proportion of the population - screening can detect and save lives. Surely the message given here is wrong.

My daughters won't be having it - they will be taught about the ways to protect themselves. If this *** cured all cancers then fair enough but its one small proportion that can be picked up by regular blood screening and cervical smears. Its all just a major cost cutting exercise in my mind.


After watching two close friends get cervical cancer at a young age, I will most certainly vaccinated my daughter. My friends were not sexually active until they were above the age of consent and practised safe sex. The HPV vaccine protects against the most common and is hardly cost cutting. The only way it could be perceived as cost cutting is that less people will get cervical cancer, so the burden will be less on the NHS, surely that's not a bad thing? It has been in development for years and cervical smears are not being stopped for those who are vaccinated. The HPV is not a cure for cancer but a management system.
No and of course they never get things wrong.

Of course they get things wrong! Nothing is infallible.However, car manufacturers occasionally put a car together wrong and somebody dies, does that stop you getting into a car? Vaccines are rigorously tested and have to pass approval by the WHO to be used on the masses.

Things may occasionally go wrong but vaccines save more lives that not. They are the reason we get to live to a ripe old age.
If you have already had swine flu, why would you have the vaccination as surely your now immune?

Yes your right, I won't need to be vaccinated. A typo error on my part. I will still be going for my seasonal flu *** though, as it's a different strain. :green:
maybe i just have a very strong immune system but i'd prefer not to mess with my luck so far by introducing chemicals to my body

I am sorry to hear you are ill and hope you make a speedy recovery soon :)

So have you never eaten food or drunk alcohol? Not taken medication, paracetamol or used a face cream. Chemicals have almost certainly entered your body at some point. Yes you are very lucky you have not had any illnesses but it is a game of chance.
There is no long term data regarding side effects of this vaccine so we really have no idea whether it is safe or not.
The only reason it was classed as a pandemic was nothing to do with the swine flu as it is now, but just in case it mutates into a deadlier strain.
The vaccine will probably prove to be deadlier that the swine-flu.
More people die from regular flu than swine flu and yet the World Health Organisation don't seem too worried about that.
There is no sign that it will mutate into a deadlier strain and there is no evidence that it will.
The swine flu and regular flu vaccines are made in a similar way. A comprehensive study on the flu vaccine found that it was no more effective than a placebo!
The testing was rushed through and has not been rigorous and i bet the pharmaceutical companies are laughing all the way to the bank!
The safety of this vaccine is highly questionable.
I will not allow my kids and my family to be guinea pigs for a vaccine that is;
1-not proven to work
2-not tested thoroughly
3-has side effects
4- WHO themselves have said they wont know if the vaccine will work and they will have to see how it 'pans' out.
Not on my loved ones you wont!!

There is no long term data regarding side effects of this vaccine so we really have no idea whether it is safe or not.
The only reason it was classed as a pandemic was nothing to do with the swine flu as it is now, but just in case it mutates into a deadlier strain.
The vaccine will probably prove to be deadlier that the swine-flu.
More people die from regular flu than swine flu and yet the World Health Organisation don't seem too worried about that.
There is no sign that it will mutate into a deadlier strain and there is no evidence that it will.
The swine flu and regular flu vaccines are made in a similar way. A comprehensive study on the flu vaccine found that it was no more effective than a placebo!
The testing was rushed through and has not been rigorous and i bet the pharmaceutical companies are laughing all the way to the bank!
The safety of this vaccine is highly questionable.
I will not allow my kids and my family to be guinea pigs for a vaccine that is;
1-not proven to work
2-not tested thoroughly
3-has side effects
4- WHO themselves have said they wont know if the vaccine will work and they will have to see how it 'pans' out.
Not on my loved ones you wont!!

No there is no long term data as it is a new vaccine. This is how science works. You would have been exposed to far more deadly things than this vaccination that has no long data, yet continue to live.
It is classed as a pandemic as we have reached level 6. This means it is uncontrollable until we have a vaccine to cull it.
The vaccine has already been used in other countries yet swine flu still claimed more lives. There has yet to be any recorded vaccine injuries.
There is every sign it will mutate, Australia has just come out of a bad winter and have already gone on record to say Britain will struggle to cope.
Yes, many people die of the flu and the WHO are concerned, it's called a flu ***.
I would love to read this comprehensive study if you have a link as I read many science blogs on a daily basis. The evidence points to a reduction in flu deaths each year from people having the vaccine.

And of course the big pharma conspiracy. Yes that's all they want to do make money and kill people. You haven't been on Jenny McCarthy website have you?

Everything I have mentioned in this post and others has come well informed sources by people who know what they are doing. Sources should come from science- based areas, not just opinion, hearsay and scaremongers.
Yes but wasnt bird flu going to cull the human species? Where is that now?
I am sorry to hear you are ill and hope you make a speedy recovery soon :)

So have you never eaten food or drunk alcohol? Not taken medication, paracetamol or used a face cream. Chemicals have almost certainly entered your body at some point. Yes you are very lucky you have not had any illnesses but it is a game of chance.

Good point :lol:
Ok i like to choose my own chemicals, i'm starting to think its the lack of bad (chosen) chemicals that has me unwell now, always get it this time of year before professional beauty show. I'll be grand next week when im back to downing loads of fast food, out partying, taking paracetamol for hangover and slapping face cream to hide dehydration from drinking

Nope swine flu wont kill me for sure, heart attack maybe!:lol:
My 4 year old son and myself had the normal flu vaccine a couple of weeks ago, (we are both asthmatic) and for the first time ever we didn;t have a reaction to it.

I have decided not to have either of us vaccinated for Swine flu, we just odn't know how it is going to affect peoples health. I have more fear of the vaccine than the flu!

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