Wow, thank you all for your thoughts...I have a lot of thinking to do.
Can I just say though, it really isn't a game, well not for me anyway, I like the simple life and that's probably a lot of the reason why I didn't give him a proper go last time for fear of the obvious. I have tried for a long time to move on, I've been single for months in between, I'm happy with myself as a person, my job I;m happy with, I've progressed generally a lot this year, I got off my butt and finally got trained up in tanning, been promoting my hairdressing and going out with other friends, I haven't been curled up in a ball dwelling over him...So I'm thinking if he's still there (grrrr) I need to do something and getting over him doesn't seem to be working.
In saying that I do appreciate everyone's opinions and I'm grateful to the geeks that have shared their own experiences so I will give this situation one last BIG think before I do anything.
lillamy, yor post really touched a nerve with me, thank you so much for sharing, just by reading that has helped me make my mind up in one sense as I need closure either way. I'm aware that I may get really hurt but at the same time I feel that after being upset for a bit at least I would have found out one way or the other...I think it's a price I'm willing to pay....
Anyway as I say I am NOT doing anything until I have sat down and thought about this AGAIN (lol) once I've come to a decision I'll let you all know what I plan do (if anyones interested?) and hope for the best!!!
Thank you millions to all of you that took the time to reply, it really has helped me so much... :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: to you all xxxxx