Tanning Injections?


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Well i used to have the odd sunbed and ued to burn slightly but since using Melanotan 2 and only having a 4 min sunbed session every few weeks i now dont burn at all and on my holiday in greece in 40oc heat again no burning, surley this is a positive thing. i know approx 20 plus people on melanotan and to be honest some of them looked a little freckly/patchy in the first few days but when the course was complete this subsided and they all look good. the scary thing is that young girls could order this off the internet with no clue on how to inject it and may abuse it i.e taking more that the required dosage with the thinking they would go darker faster. I was fine with the injecting as i have a nursing backround but know a few thin people who have injected into muscle and caused a bruise. have also found that men seem to tan in only 7days even fair skinned men, my boyf uses it and he is a enviable colour and its true that it increases libido in men and causes the odd spontenious erection but these effects do subside

Stacey, from this post it just dawned on me that you are the person featured in the BBC's news report. What can you tell us about how that report was put together? You were way too casual as you and the other girls discussed your usage of the peptides (looking at the photo of Girl's Aloud and Nicola Roberts). Did you do that interview before or after I wrote you this extensive explanation that finished with the following line:
Look around for FAQs about using the peptides and check other forums, inform yourself well and understand fully how the peptides work before ever using either one.
(meaning don't be casual). That report was like a big advertisement for the peptides (and rather scarily so) especially with the casual attitude you all displayed.

Melanotan.org Admin
I have to say I consider myself somewhat of a guinea pig/expert on Melanotan 2.Over two years ago I began using it to bring up my tan for an upcoming bodybuilding competition.Since then I have not stopped using it.I have administered it to guys in my gym and female friends and they all got great results with little side effects.
The only major side effect is nausea,but I only experience this if I take an injection every day for a week or so.for the last year I am on once a week shots and use a sunbed twice a week and constantly have a healthy,natural looking tan.Clinuval Pharmaceuticals will market Melanotan once their trials are over but the price they will charge will far exceed current 'underground' prices.
sounds like a good idea but i dont fancy injecting myself! and what about long term effects? any ideas what this does 10 years down the line?
thats whats abit worrying :eek:
The injection is done via a 28gauge insulin syringe,you inject into the fleshy part of your stomach,the same as a diabetic does.The injections do not hurt and even very slim girls ive injected had no problem with the shot itself.
for the last year I am on once a week shots and use a sunbed twice a week and constantly have a healthy,natural looking tan.

you can maintain a consistent natural tan by JUST using a sunbed twice a week, without injecting anything into your body... :rolleyes:
you can maintain a consistent natural tan by JUST using a sunbed twice a week, without injecting anything into your body... :rolleyes:
Not to the same degree though
^^^ yes for some people

Some people won't tan hardley at all on the sunbed... MTII is ideal for them.
Still, I wouldn't use it myself (though many of my friends do) as it can affect your eye sight in the same way it can darken moles, this can happen at the back of your eye.
But you could also argue that this could happen anyway with just stimulation from UV light, but I'm no expert so can not say for sure.

It might however just be a freak side effct that on happens to 1 in a million but we don't know as this is still only a research chemical.

Not good, major side effects and self injecting. Why???? If you have a GOOD spray tan from a GOOD technician the only side effect is losing pounds (from your wallet not your thighs,... I wish)

I know it sounds good but the UK government has stepped in and stopped a lot of the internet sites from advertising and selling the product. You can still get it from under the counter at Gyms etc but what comeback do you have if things go wrong. It's illegal to sell so no one will own up when you have a bad reaction which some do. There was an article in the "reveal" magazine 7-13march 2009 and it is worrying.

We all want to look good with as little effort as possible but please be careful. Your body is the only one you have and it needs to be taken care of..

OK that's enough preaching,

Keep well
Kind regards
Someone i know well used them and it turned his hands orange and big patches on his skin went orange and i mean ORANGE not brown. apparently it was different pigment in his skin. Also another person i know tried it and his scars turned purple .. personally i dont like injections but ill be honest i was tempted to try.! i didnt but apparently u have to still go on the sunbeds so to me whats the point in injections!? x
Someone i know well used them and it turned his hands orange and big patches on his skin went orange and i mean ORANGE not brown. apparently it was different pigment in his skin. Also another person i know tried it and his scars turned purple .. personally i dont like injections but ill be honest i was tempted to try.! i didnt but apparently u have to still go on the sunbeds so to me whats the point in injections!? x

Relative to your friend's orange experience, you are almost assuredly talking about what happened to him when he took beta-Carotene tablets which are extremely well known for turning skin orange (in particular hands and feet).
As far as the scars, were they forming during the time he was using the peptide? It is known that folks need to avoid any sort of genuine melanin tanning while scars form because the scars will generally become discolored.

Folks looking for a safer option are best holding off and waiting until Clinuvel comes out with their bioabsorbable subcutaneous implant of melanotan-1 (generic name "afamelanotide"). Once this version passes regulatory muster it will only be doctor administered which means it'll be a much safer option.

Melanotan.org Admin
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G5m-sh- in reference to what you have wrote---its used daily till the desired colour is achieved and then maintaining phase is then used (1-2 a week) to keep it toped up
How long does this maintaining phase last? If you were to stop using the injection weekly would the colour fade? I thought you had to do it daily till you reached your desired colour then you stayed that colour forever? Is this not true?
Just to add a little perspective to this topic. Tanning injections are not yet approved in the UK by the FDA and I believe they are still illegal to sell, although not illegal to posses. I believe they way it works could be really good in preventing skin cancer, used correctly and following guidelines, subject to approval by the FDA. But and that is a big but there have been some really scary stories about the side effects and not just because of misuse. If any of you have ever heard of mongolian blue spots on mixed race children then you might have an idea of what may be instore. I have heard of 2 cases where I live, and it's a small town, one girl with a blue patch over her eye, the other over her lip. They look like port stain birth marks but blue. I aso know someone who is addicted to having the injections and his skin is such a strange colour he no longer looks like a white man with a tan. I also have a friend who works in a local needle exchange (for drug addicts, paid for by the tax payer), who is exchanging needles for people injecting this product. This infuriates me, as this is purely for cosmetic purposes. Where do people get off thinking it's okay for tax payers money to be used for such a feeble cosmetic excuse. Bad enough we pay for junkies!!!
Sorry, but until it's licensed it shouldn't be used, sold, or available and people who are supplying it are just as bad as common street drug dealers.
Tanning injections are not yet approved in the UK by the FDA and I believe they are still illegal to sell, although not illegal to posses. I believe they way it works could be really good in preventing skin cancer, used correctly and following guidelines, subject to approval by the FDA.

The FDA has no jurisdiction here in the UK and therefore it would not be the FDA that would approve these for sale here in the UK..it would be the MHRA who would be the decision making authority here supported by trading standards to enforce there directives .
Sorry Colin, spent too much time in USA. Even so I belive I am correct in what I say about legality etc.

Lets face it though, some people are so desperate to be brown they will do anything and this is just about as 'anything' as you can get.

Sorry Colin, spent too much time in USA. Even so I belive I am correct in what I say about legality etc.

Lets face it though, some people are so desperate to be brown they will do anything and this is just about as 'anything' as you can get.


Couldnt agree more and its quiet scary to be honest :eek:
Folks should be aware of something about this thread. I've just reviewed it a bit and I see that there are a couple of essentially one off posts from people raving about using the melanotan peptides. Folks should take such posts with a large degree of skepticism. Unfortunately there are a number of sellers of the peptides who have no qualms about shilling usage of them (even merely in a general sense without mentioning their business names). Anyone coming into Salon Geek (or any forum) who starts spouting off about melanotan peptide usage as being the greatest thing since sliced bread (or equivalent) should be viewed as suspect.
There is a decent chance that if someone starts talking bad about melanotan peptide usage in a forum then out of the blue some new person will arrive on the thread talking about how great their tan is from peptide usage and/or how inexpensive it is relative to other more traditional means of self-tanning. These shills really do a disservice to the spread of accurate and helpful information about what to expect from melanotan peptide usage and the serious nature of what it means to use them. The peptides do work but due to the fact that currently both of them are unlicensed, unregulated and sales of them for human usage is illegal, they should absolutely never be used by anyone who would be casual about such a thing.

I would counsel folks to look sooner to the words of more established members in any given community with respect to such discussions.


Scott Stevenson
Melanotan.org - afamelanotide Admin
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Folks should be aware of something about this thread. I've just reviewed it a bit and I see that there are a couple of essentially one off posts from people raving about using the melanotan peptides. Folks should take such posts with a large degree of skepticism. Unfortunately there are a number of sellers of the peptides who have no qualms about shilling usage of them (even merely in a general sense without mentioning their business names). Anyone coming into Salon Geek (or any forum) who starts spouting off about melanotan peptide usage as being the greatest thing since sliced bread (or equivalent) should be viewed as suspect.
There is a decent chance that if someone starts talking bad about melanotan peptide usage in a forum then out of the blue some new person will arrive on the thread talking about how great their tan is from peptide usage and/or how inexpensive it is relative to other more traditional means of self-tanning. These shills really do a disservice to the spread of accurate and helpful information about what to expect from melanotan peptide usage and the serious nature of what it means to use them. The peptides do work but due to the fact that currently both of them are unlicensed, unregulated and sales of them for human usage is illegal, they should absolutely never be used by anyone who would be casual about such a thing.

I would counsel folks to look sooner to the words of more established members in any given community with respect to such discussions.


Scott Stevenson
Melanotan.org - afamelanotide Admin

Well said Scott :hug:

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