Tasha Jacks new pricing


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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2011
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Hey girls, just wondering what you think of Tasha Jacks' new pricing and pre-tipping amount? You uses to get roughly 60 strands per 25grams but now they're thicker so you get about 30-40. I used to order around 75gs of hair for under 18" which was plenty but now I'm worried I will have to order nearly twice as much to get 150-200 bonds!? I know it's the same amount of hair it's just thicker bonds, but I'd rather use 150-200 smaller ones than 100 large ones.
Just pre tip them yourself!? Just started a thread on offering a pre tipping service in London. I think there may be demand for bonds in various sizes to for certain rings etc.

However Natasha at Tasha Jacks is very helpful and have you tried contacting her about smaller bonds? Maybe they can still do it?

About the prices going up, that's life, demand and inflation. You get what you pay for and if you want quality then either you take the hit or raise your prices.

But I'm like you I like 0.5-0.7 bonds, especially in thinner hair as they look more natural, so I always do them myself. Saves me some money and I just do it in front of the telly and find it strangely calming haha. You ever tried doing them yourself?? I have a sensitive weighing scale to make sure I get the right amount.

Also another question. Is 75 g for a full head application then that you usually order? Is that enough? Just sounds little to me as I order like 125 -150 g at least for a full head.

Son x
in 18 inch I use 150g for normal hair, 125 for fine hair.
Thanks, sometimes I do the tipping myself but I don't really have time and the way I was trained, you lose an Inch or so from the length cos you have to cut from beneath the tie. If the hair is below 18" 75g is usually enough as with their microbonding service I get approx 200 bonds (i do micro-links) I've had convo's with Tasha about the bonds before so maybe I could ask if they'll do smaller. I've just received an order of 125g hair which she said would be on the old bonding cos I ordered it last month before the prices changed but they were out of stock til now but I've just received it and it's only about 120bonds 
Hey no need to lose an inch buy a holding mat from tasha, holds lose bulk hair securely whilst you work through it !!!:wink2:
in 18 inch I use 150g for normal hair, 125 for fine hair.

What weight per strand do you usally do or do you mix? Like sometimes I do smaller ones around temple area.
Well I usually just use what Tasha sends me which guess is 0.5g max I may give the pre-tipping a go as this will save money for clients and tax on the overall amount from Tasha's
Thanks ladies 

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