anyone know the goldwell lettering system? thanks.x
Goldwell is...
N - Natural
NN - Extra Tone Natural
A - Ash
B - Brown/Beige
G - Gold
K - Copper
O - Orange
R - Red
V - Violet
P - Pearl
All double letters are combinations of the above...
KG - Copper Gold
KR - Copper Red
GB - Gold Brown/Beige
RB - Red Brown
RV - Red Violet
VR - Violet Red
RR - Red Red
OR - Orange Red
MB - Green Brown
NA - Natural Ash
NP - Natural Pearl
SB - Silver Pearl
5NBP - Brown Reflecting Opal
6NGB - Blonde Reflecting Bronze
6NBP - Blonde Reflecting Opal
6NBK - Blonde Reflecting Golden Topaz
6NBR - Blonde Reflecting Amber
7NGP - Blonde Reflecting Pearl
7NGB - Blonde Reflecting Bronze
7NBP - Blonde Reflecting Opal
7NBK - Blonde Reflecting Topaz
8NGB - Blonde Reflecting Bronze
8NBP - Blonde Reflecting Opal
9NGP - Light Blonde Reflecting Pearl
9NBP - Light Blonde Reflecting Opal
Mixes are...
AA - Ash
GG - Gold
KK - Copper
RR - Red
VV - Violet
2 is Black
11 is High Lift and 12 Ultra High Lift
There is a fairly good chance I have missed a few, or got a few back to front, sorry in advance.