Here's my 2penneth for what it's worth
I came across The Secret about 18mths ago when I was making a call at work to some guy to try to upgrade his mobile phone contract. Cutting a very long story short, he had the book and was reading it as though his life depended on it and was trying to put everything into practise because his life was falling apart. I have to say, I don't know if it helped him, but I was intrigued so I went online straighaway at work as soon as I put the phone down on him and bought it from Amazon at a lower price than he had suggested form the shops, so that put me in a positive frame of mind straighaway, lol! I've not got the cd or dvd, so can't comment on those.
It's ideas are very old going waaayyy back and it's pretty much about what most people know anyway. Try to be postive no-matter what is thrown at you and as Nailzoo said 's*** happens. The laws of attraction is the main point and about being proactive not reactive in what you want from your life, make positive things happen for you. If you don't, no-one else will. I try to live my life like this anyway, and moreso now than ever because I know what I want, and determination gets you quite far, and again as has been said some of the quotes by some well known public speakers are great.
Acting with confidence is another thing that struck me when reading this book, and I try this too with great effect most times
. Sometimes I don't want to let people know I'm just starting out, so I fib and say I've been doing it slightly longer than I actually have
, this actually instills more confidence in your client too, thinking that they're not your first job, and I know I'm good at what I do, even though I'm a newbie! It does sound like I'm blowing hot air up my own behind but that's the way I feel. Put my mind to it, I can do it and do it well, and I am great, lol!
I think it has become heavily commercialised which I don't really like, but that said, the people behind it thought proactively and made it happen
Actually I like this book more than I realised! (Goes off to dig it back out