I have always had everything in my bedroom. And i have never had or caused a problem.
you can block sites from your PC, set restrictions.
In all fairness, all your kids are probably trying to hide from you is when they are telling their mates who they fancy on MSN.
Keep an eye on their contacts list, just to make sure they only have their actual friends on there. even ask them to write you a list of their friends email addys so you know who's who.
ask them what websites they use, set the computer to allow access to these.
Keep an eye on their myspace or other profile friends list, and ask them to set their profile to private so that only their friends can see it.
I think these are reasonable things to do, But IMO even children need some privacy.
Im not a parent, but im probably nearer to childhood than alot of the moms on here! lol. And if my parents started getting on my case about stuff and invading my privacy, id have probably rebelled just to p*$$ them off, and more to the point, tried to find out what they were hiding from me.
I have to agree with alot of your points.My daughter is 16 next month and i would love to know what she is upto all the time what sites shes on who shes online to what texts are on her phone etc etc .but i feel that at her age now she has to be allowed to have a certain amount of privacy.She has a laptop so she is on her own in her bedroom on it.
what i have done since my kids were both young is just constantly warn them of the dangers in everything that i know of,going through different scenarios etc.
If i was to start invading every aspect of her privacy i know it would have the opposite effect she would just be more secretive with me.Anyway they are so more computer literate than a lot of us that she would know ways of blocking me out.
I have to trust her judgement on who shes speaking to etc and hope ive taught her enough to take care.
you have to let go bit by bit.You really cant protect them from everything but you can teach them to protect themselves.
Paedophiles usually find their victims in the very innocent,young and naive not the streetwise and clued up.
My son whos still only 12 well thats a different story.Hes still a baby, he cant breathe without me knowing at the moment.